Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Had A Little Chat With The lds Tonight.

Yes yes, the young lady's caught me just in time! I saw 'em coming. Young ladies, erm, wait, sorry, "Missionaries" for the church of jesus christ and the latter day saints, they of course were quite pleasant and she said, "We're missionaries for the LDS" and I said, 'I know' and she said, "You aware of who we are?" and I replied, 'Oh yes, I've been to Salt Lake City'. The younger one looked surprised and said, "That's where she's from".. Pointing at her partner. I said, 'Oh yes, I've been to temple and in the tabernacle'... Again, they both looked surprised and the one from Salt Lake said, "What did you think?" and I said, 'Well, I found it was like when I was in, more Quebec city and some places in Quebec, where catholcism was quite popular, that if felt very oppressive, ya know?'....

And before they could really, react or respond I said, 'Hey, you know the jehovah witness right? They've been down here as well in the evenings', the younger girl actually looked kinda nervous and looked down and up the path and said, "They, they are not here right now are they?" and I said, 'No, I haven't seen them tonight.... But I was thinking, ya know it'd be cool if you two fought it out (taking a fighting like stance)... You know, like a battle for souls...' and again, before they could really respond I quickly interjected, as the young one was starting to say something...'Well ladies, I'm a non believer, so we're done here, please have a great evening' and I heard the young one say right before I turned on my music again, "Would you at least take a card??"... and I replied 'No...' as I crossed the street.

What the fuck would I want a card for? I mean, sometimes I use them as bookmarks... I'm sure hoping I'll meet them again and take them to task on their beliefs. Of course I'm sure all the stuff I've read and seen is all anti-lds propaganda, but I've read the 'book of mormon' and I've seen the crazy with my own eyes in black and white... Much like the old testament of the bible... Sure, yes, there is some historical fact to the book (the bible, not the b.of.m.) but I mean crap 'god' was a testy son of a bitch eh? destroying the World, smiting people, turning them to salt, destroying entire cities and their populations... And the book of mormon.... 'jesus visited America, the natives are the lost tribe of Israel... Then there's all the whacko stuff about how 'Joseph Smith' came up with the whole thing...
It'll be fun! I wish I could record it somehow..Ohhh, just had an evil plan! I could record audio.... I mean, you hold out a phone, they are going to know somethin's up and if not speak at all, they'll definitely not be as candid.... Yes, yes,, I can feel it coming together already!

Well I just read that some jackass has chained himself to a tree in our 'Officer's Square'... For those not in the know. It's a beautiful park in downtown Fredericton that has a museum on it and was the original barracks (or at least one of them) for the city.
There's been a big cuffuffule over some remodeling of the park that's been planned.. Ok, I can agree to the side that says that the city, HAD a plan online or at least where the public could view it and did do some work to try and get feedback on what they had planned, but then when they went to go to work, it wasn't the same plan. And I agree, some of the historically old elm trees should stay.... But the ones that are dead, with Dutch elm disease, they can and should go. So this guy has chained himself to a DEAD fucking tree... On a windy day, some evening, maybe during an open air movie night, a huge branch comes off and impales a family...;. That'll be nice right? Be great stuff for promoting our tourism... I knew someone was going to do this... Not to a dead tree, but I knew someone was going to get ballsy and give their life for the trees! Silly silly huemahn... Annnd of course the city has all the webcams offline.....

Photo edited to preserve some kind of dignity... Photo by: Don McPherson

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