Wednesday, August 15, 2018

'Buddy' The Chipmunk & Elsa, It's Not What You Think

Just some clips I took today.

First, I went for a nap and Elsa jumped up on the bed and all of a sudden her nose turned into a magnet and she was trapped by some scent off the blanket... I don't know what it was, but she was hooked. I missed the footage of her turning away from the blanket and shaking her head... Was some odd behavior from an odd cat....

Next up, I was out back and 'Buddy' the chipmunk has been coming at me full tilt. Actually, I was out in the driveway earlier looking to see if a thunderstorm was heading our way and there's 'Buddy' charging up the driveway at me... I feel bad when I don't have a peanut on me for it (still unsure as to what sex 'Buddy' is)... If I don't have one, 'Buddy' just runs around me, waiting for it... So, I go inside and get one.

Over the Summer a new hole appeared in the backyard and in the last few days 'Buddy' has been stocking it up for the Winter.
The food cache must not be far underground because it will take a nut, dive down the hole and before you know it, it's back again!
So, I was going to show 'Buddy' feeding from my hand, but I dropped the peanut... And also in this vid is 'Jerkface the Wonder Squirrel'... It and it's friends have been watching me feed the chipmunks and now they think they can be in on it, but 'Jerkface' is bold and is not scared off easily. So it'll sit there and stare at me with this stupid look on it's face (as much as a squirrel can have a 'look' on it's face)

Lastly, Elsa was napping out in my chair... Good kitty or Bad kitty.,, You decide....

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