Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Lookit this!

FUUCK! Want soo bad... But, I already have a Pushead deck, which I can't even skate anymore.... BUT, it's a piece of art... Damnit! I had been watching Conspiracy Skateboards in Texas over the years to see if they'd do another Pushead collaboration.

Dudes my favorite artist, even more so than H.R.Giger. Pushead has done artwork for Metallica, Rush, Prong, Misfits and possibly even Guns & Roses or someone of that ilk.

I've always wanted a Pushead tat... But I've been told to do an 'exact' Pushead is impposible because of his method of drawing, which I'm told is like dots, some kind of weird technique he does.. I mean, I'd be down for a reasonably hand drawn facsimile.
Something like this would be awesome, but there's even more incredible ones
So, I'll be good|! I won't blow my money on something I'll have to hang on my wall and look sadly at! 
Naw I'd love looking at that on my wall. I love looking at the deck I've got!.

So, this shooter in Florida... Looking for a motive eh? How about he was a hardcore fanatic gamer! This was his living and these guys don't like losing.. Even the not professional guys hate losing.

You can go on Youtube and see thousands of candid videos taken of guys (and gals) freaking out because someone 'fragged their ass' (killed them in a game)...
I had a roommate that was like that.... Man he'd flip out... But I felt it was kinda more than that with him. It kinda bothered me that his biggest life moments, things he bragged about, moments he remembered fondly were all in a video game or another... I mean, I know, not everyone is lucky to get out of their hometown and do fun stuff, but even people who don't have more physical diverse memories and moments based in reality, things they did with other real people... Not that people playing the games are not real, but they are not physically with you.
And I've played video games. I get it, it's fun, I have fond memories of when I first started at Electronic Arts and one full entire Month, 30 days, ok, well, minus the weekends, we played video games 8 hours a day... That's not what testing was, this was just downtime and they paid us for that shit haha. But it was kinda sketchy, after 8 hours of shooting and very fast motions fired into your brain, it effects you. You'd get dizzy, you kinda get a bit of tunnel vision  and not really hallucinate, but you'd get the feeling you were still playing the game... It was kinda scary and probably not to mentally healthy... But that's what some people do for a living. This is a major thing and has been for a while now. A couple of those guys who got killed in Florida were making like $80,000 for winning tournaments, so it's pretty high steaks.

Just damn sad it happened, but not surprised.

We're in another sweat wave humidity is gonna hit 41°C. Today was around 38°. I wouldn't be surprised to see some more temps like this before the end of the Summer/Fall season. Things ain't as they should be, so expect craziness in the weather....
Also, I heard for a second time today that there's some type of correlation between how hot it gets in the Summer to how cold it'll get in the Winter... BUT, I'm not sure if that's true... I mean, +41°C Summer ='s -41°C in the Winter.... That's not cool.... That's insanely fucking cold man! 

I do love the Fall and am lookin foward to it's cool embrace..

Oh! My doctors appointment! So the 'big deal' was that my cholesterol is like 2 points off.... BUT, I'm pretty healthy for the health I'm in. So that's good. She went through my bloodwork and everything is pretty normal a couple of things like a point off above or below... But I'm doing good for feeling like shit... It's kinda weird to be kinda 'healthy' but be in pain and have this arthritis eating away at me.

But as long as my ticker is going and I'm standin upright when I need to and laying down when I sleep. As long as I wake up each day and go to bed each night, things are alright!

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