Monday, August 6, 2018

Such A Tease

We got hit by a doozy! Over 4000 people without power in Fredericton and the area.... Our power here stayed on, but it's a blackout from behind my place to the river.
Weather report says more coming. The first storm, which I'm processing the video now, was incredible. Then a second storm with the most amount of sheet lightning I think I've ever seen came through. I'm gonna post this now, but then repost once I get the video up. I also have video of the second storm, but that won't get up until tomorrow.

I can hear the thunder looming way over the Northside... Did we get a drop of rain? Nope.. Got real dark around 6;30, it looked promising, but noooooo.... Even had the 'warnings' come in from E-Canada....
An article on CBC New Brunswick is saying that age old heat records are set to drop from earlier today to Wednesday.
Just reading that article and it says, "heat wave is coming from air flowing in from a high-pressure system over Bermuda and is expected to persist until the end of August."

Hunkered down with the kitty and my A/C today. Did sweet fuck all, slept, watched movies... Watered the flower boxes, as they neighbors put in some carrots for me (one of the only vegetables they are growing I can eat - If cooked)... So I figured might as well help out, as they do so much for me. [This is when the storm hit - Stay tuned...]

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