Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Mega-Storm The Sequel!!

kraaaakow!!! BOOOOM!!!! Then the sky bled! Like tears of blood the rain fell, causing anyone that touched it to scream in agony as the acid ate away at their flesh!!!
Ok, ok, over active imagination..... Here's what really happened...

Was short by sweet. Next storm, I promise I'll use my DSLR so i'll maybe get some much better footage... There was some amazing fork lightning. Huge thunderclaps and of course my power was out for about 2 hours or so.

MAY be more tonight... Forecast says more on the way in the next two days!

And always remember... Stop, Drop and Roll.... Except for with killer bees, with that, you just want to breath as heavy as you can at them... They HATE oxygen, it really pisses them off... So be sure to breath as much as you can at them... Even if you pass out or they get in your mouth and your throat swells...

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