Friday, August 10, 2018

Horrible Shocking Friday In Fredericton

Everyone woke up to shocking, frightening news that the Brookside area was under police lockdown and that two police officers and two citizens were dead after a gunman opened fire from an apartment building.
Information is still coming out. But at this point the gunman is in hospital as are several citizens that were injured in the shooting. They haven't said how many were injured. They are not too sure if there is more than one suspect, but it's looking like there was only one.

News agencies in the area, or at least Canadian ones have been saying that "This doesn't happen in Fredericton"... This is truly misleading... It doesn't happen often, but it has happened... From a sniper years ago on the train bridge to murders and other acts of violence. Again, it doesn't happen often, but it DOES happen and will most likely happen again at some point. In my opinion, reporting that crimes like this do not happen in this city is misleading at best. To people planning to move here, to tell them that this doesn't happen is flat out wrong. Beit, Moncton, Saint John or small towns up North, gun violence is no stranger here as it's no stranger anywhere else on the planet.

Now, this might piss some people off and I'm not trying to deflect this tragedy, but FUCK CBC news....
There was an interview with an RCMP officer who was sent in to help with the unfolding incident. Not many know, but the Fredericton city police are severely understaffed. Several officers are currently under suspension for various crimes...

But, back to the RCMP officer and the reporters.
This officer explained that as this was a fluid situation and he asked, almost pleaded with the press that they NOT report what witness' were saying until the police interviewed people, as witness' perspectives MAY not be accurate. The officer then asked that they not show him on TV, they immediately switched back to the main desk at CBC where the anchor woman said, "He said not to show him on television, but we're going to anyhow".... Like what the fuck ??? Really? That little respect for someone's wishes, let alone a police officer, trying to help the situation by asking to ensure that misleading and inaccurate reporting not be sent out to the World and the World IS watching, BBC, CNN, AP, NBC, CBS and all kinds of other World news agencies were reporting on it.

As a bit of humor, the CBC reporter who was reporting from the scene said, "This all happened not far from a very popular mall"..... The Brookside mall hasn't been "popular" since it opened....

The CBC news has been sliding downhill for years, their reporters are shoddy, their switching and interviews are shoddy, even switching from commercials to and from the news desk is often screwed up. Interviews are dropped... Horrible, horrible news reporting.
So I'm done with CBC as a 'news source' and I hope others will follow suit.

Ok, venting done... I hope everyone else is safe, my heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones today. Very sad incident.

Just to add some levity to this situation, check out this cover of Weezer's hit single 'Hashpipe'... The band felt they owed it to Weezer as the band had done great covers of  'Africa' and 'Rosanna'

In other news, today was the most comfortable day outside we've had in weeks. A great 40K wind and a temperature of only around 25C... Was a nice change, a nice change that after running some errands that I wasn't drenched in sweat when I got home. My back is a tad better today, but I'm taking it easy as I can feel that one wrong movement is going to bring me to my knees... It would seem, even with the weather getting more agreeable, my back isn't taking part.

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