Wednesday, August 29, 2018

End Of The Heat Wave & The End Of Centennial

Centennial Building falls!

Yep, Envi-Canada says it's "Over"! At least it's not AS humid as it was... Was feeling alright earlier, but as I ate supper and was getting ready for my nightly walk, my body is seizing up like the tin-man from the Wizard of Oz.
Even did some stretches to try and limber myself up a bit, but it was no use.
HA! Take that Environment Canada! I saw a pretty massive storm coming our way about 4 hours ago and now it's on their 'radar' (Not physically on it). - The weather report both on the Weather Network and Environment Canada was saying chance of thunderstorms this evening. So usually check out the radars to see what's coming and in the morning and all afternoon there was nothing on either of those two sites, so I checked my other sources and there was a 'wall' of a storm coming right for us around 9/10ish pm... When I left on my walk the two sites still had no warning, but now they do! Hopefully it's a good one!

Have had some epic battles with 'Jerkface the Wonder Squirrel over the last couple of days.
Seriously, this little... Jerkface, comes down the tree as I'm giving buddy his daily fix and as Buddy is at me, the jerkface will come closer towards us. Where we're at Buddy's home holes are just behind Buddy as he approached me, so when Buddy turns around to take the peanut back home, Jerkface the Wonder Squirel is practically on Buddy's doorstep. Total intimidating tactics.

So, I got my handy empty plastic ketcup bottle as a 'squirtgun', though I think I'm going to check the Dollarstore™  for an actual squirtgun... Though I may have missed the boat on that, seeing as they were bringing in Halloween stock the other day.... Anyhow, I squirt Jerkface with some water and it just runs under the lawn table, so I squirt under the table, it jumps up in the table (note, all this time Jerkface could be taking off up a tree, but no, it's a Jerkface! And so I take a break and it's on top of the table, the table it and it's equally jerkface buddies have been chewing away pieces of for their Winter nest! The tablecloth that is...
So there's a nice big beam of sunshine right on the corner of the table and what does Jerkface the Wonder squirrel do? It sprawls itself flat out on the table and looks right at me like, 'YEahh, this feels nice'.... So I lose it. And I empty my ketchup bottle out at the little sucker. Now, it runs up the tree.

While I was out later in the afternoon having a puff, I was being distracted by the squirrels flipping me off from up in the tree branches and I feel something on my foot. it's a small weight, but something's on it. I look down to see 'Buddy' standing on my foot. So that's no fear of me there. To just come right up when I'm completely unaware it's there and sit on my foot.Pretty cool little chipmunk. Oh, I saw Chippy today. There was the mother and the other young chipmunk that had a couple of dots or small patches of fur that made those two stand out a little more, but 'Buddy' has grown so much and is packing on Winter weight, so it's actually kinda hard to tell 'Chippy' from 'Buddy'... But when Buddy looks at me straight on, it's face is a lot more narrow than Chippy's.
I've mistaking Chippy for Buddy a couple of times right to the point of not really realizing who it was until Chippy was taking the peanut from my hand. Which is kinda cool because Chippy kinda disappeared for a while and before I actually had tried to hand feed Chippy.

So, the Centennial building in Fredericton here is going under massive reno's, it's going to be refurbished as the new Fredericton courthouse.
It's quite a feet as the building has 3 outward facing wings and one of the wings is being removed.

Check it out Yo!

From the NB Government's website on the building: "The Centennial Building, built to celebrate Canada’s centenary, was described as ultra-modern when it opened in 1967. Refurbishments will start this year, during Canada’s 150th anniversary. Offices are being vacated in anticipation of the work."

How the building will look:

Had some good times in that building. Which might be an odd thing to say about a government building.
Met then Premier Frank McKenna a few times while I was cleaning in there...

Used to put so many burnt out flurescent tubes in the garbage compactor that the cops would show up over the noise.
Jim Boucher and I used to drink up on the roof on Fridays... The basement had open access to the tunnels under the city, so maybe some exploring was done, maybe it wasn't....

The big question is, what the heck are they gonna do with the old courthouse?

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