Sunday, August 5, 2018

WTF Buddy!

Went to wash a dish and looked out the window to see 'Buddy', the little chipmunk who will come right to me and well, I dunno what the heck it was up to... Maybe playing, maybe just being a weirdo...
I'll soon take my camera out with me to get some video of 'Buddy' taking peanuts from my hand.
Just a bit ago, two chipmunks, Buddy being one of them were at the feeder. I completely cleaned out the bird feeder today, so it's nice and clean, but I dumped the remainder of what was in the feeder onto the ground to put fresh feed in... Anyhow, chaos broke out as the two fought for food and I swear to god, they both did figure 8's around my feet.
I thought for a moment one of them might run right up my leg... Ok, if I'm wearing pants, but in shorts it might be a bit awkward!
Anyhow, here's 'Buddy' being weird...

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