Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Return Of Winter & The White Rabbit

So yesterday through to today we've had a 'Winter Storm'.. Spring storm? We got a few centimeters of snow yesterday and then the rain began. Around 5/5:30PM we had brief thunderstorms roll through Fredericton. I heard a few good rumbles and saw some quick flashes of lightning.
Early this morning the winds kicked up and the temperatures dropped.
According to Environment Canada, the current temperature at the time I'm writing this is -2 (-11!! With the windchill!).
A cashier at Sobeys said to me yesterday (regarding the snow), quite shocking isn't it? No... Not at all.
We live in New Brunswick, the place I commonly refer to as the 'butthole of Canada'. I've said it many times that Winter isn't over until it's done with us and I'd expect to see snow fly even into May.

I"m sure at some point within my lifetime it's snowed in May. These days nothing would surprise me at all... Except this...

This morning at around 5AM, I was up for a puff and was standing on my door stoop. I saw a car coming up Beaverbrook St. (heading towards Regent) and then all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw something darting back and forth at the front of the driveway. At first I thought it was white plastic bag being tossed about by the increasing winds, but then it's 'darting' seemed to be pretty coordinated. Then I noticed this white object had legs... and it came bounding/hopping down my driveway towards the garage. A white fluffy bunny! I can't recall ever seeing a wild bunny in town. I do remember that over by the Christ Church Cathedral that there used to be a family of albino squirrels and we'd seen them a couple of times when we were young, but I've never seen any rabbits in town, albeit, it could have been a pet rabbit that has escaped.... And I just thought of someone close by who in fact DOES have a pet bunny, so I've sent them off a message.

The windstorm has been pretty decent, winds up to 50k or so have been whipping things about. Love any kind of storm, but this one is pissing me off. The neighbors next door have this, erm, barn, it's like a barn shaped garage and on it's side facing our backyard it has like tin slats, I wouldn't cal them shingles, maybe eaves... One of them is partially dislodged and in the right gusts is slapping around and makes the sound of someone banging on a garbage can with a baseball bat.

Looks like temperatures for the next couple of days will be chilly if anything. Spring is coming, it's inevitable, it'll just depend on how quickly old man Winter will let loose his grasp on us!

I've just got some paperwork from Service NB on their new adoption disclosure program. I as an adopted kid, can find out identifying information on them and they (or she) as the one who put me up can also find out info on myself.
Now, I already know quite a lot about my birth Mother. My hopes, once again is to try and contact her or someone from the family. Since my Mother died (the one who adopted me) in 2009, it's been my worry that my birth Mother may pass on and I'll never be able to get the chance to talk to her and find out more info on my 'family'. I'm sure like all things it'll take some time. But for now it looks like time is on my side... 

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