Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Great Holiday Weekend.

Well, I guess there's one day left, but it seems that easter Monday isn't much observed anymore, stores are open and everything is pretty much back to normal, with the exception of the government workers (slackers).
'Good Friday' I went down to Saint John with Gordy's fiancee's sister and her husband (I know, a bit of a recap here). We had a bite to eat and watched the vacation videos and trip pics that Gordy took. Crystal's family hadn't seen them yet, so we told them of our adventures in Cuba. Was back home early Friday evening.
Saturday I got up, went out to Superstore to grab a couple of things (which was when I was assaulted by that Montreal Canadiens Pepsi can).
Once I got home I cleared out the kitchen of everything I could, then swept and mopped the floor, did some Spring cleaning.
Today I did laundry and watched my annual easter movies; Jesus Christ Superstar and Monty Python's 'The Life of Brian'.
Such a fantastic movie. Another one of the Monty Python films my Brother's and I grew up on. I don't know about them, but I can pretty much recite whole scenes from the 'Life of Brian', 'The Holy Grail' and 'The Meaning of Life'.... It's funny how when 'Life of Brian' came out in theaters the catholics and other christian regimes threw a big hissy fit about it. "SACRILEGIOUS" they screamed!
What's life if we can't poke fun at people's beliefs? WHOOPS... Lemme trail off there, I'll have some crazy group come after me If I keep talking like that....
Tomorrow I'll tackle my living room and get that Spring cleaned... This July it will be 6 years that I moved back to Fredericton. I had a break down that first Winter. Phoned my Dad and said I'd made a horrible mistake coming back. In the Winter's I still certainly feel that way sometimes. One of the chief reasons I left Fredericton and New Brunswick was because of the Winter's. I ain't a 'Winter' kinda guy. I do love to see the snow and I love a great blizzard, but I hate the cold weather, the -30, -20, -10 below.... I love Spring, Summer and Fall here... It's a dream to be able to get away each Winter, the trip to Cuba was great, would love to do that each year, but it was barely affordable.

I love my apartment I have here. My neighbors are the best one's I've ever had (Summer BBQ's, they'll watch Elsa if I'm gone somewhere). The landlady is awesome and my place is very comfortable and very central to downtown or transit heading up the hill... Would love to see the landlady paint the outside this Summer, place is starting to look a bit haggard outside.

I've got to get in to see my doctor about my back. It's just after 7 and about an hour or so ago it started to give up on me.
From breaking my ribs to the crazy fucker I used to be on stage, twisting, contorting, rolling and jumping about. Who know's what has destroyed my back, but it sucks. I was talking to the band today and was saying that I had serious doubts about doing live shows. When we all went out the other night to see Moment of Inertia at the Capital I was able to stand, really lean up against that column for about 20 minutes before I had to sit down. IF, we do live shows, I may have to do it from a bar stool or chair.
I'm still working on teaching Elsa how  to rub the A535 on my back... I think the only set back to not having a significant other...

Hope ya'll had a great long weekend\!

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