Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Full Moon & A Blood Thirsty Kitty

|Elsa did seem to have a bit more pep to her playing last night before bed.

Of late her favorite play toy has been this rubber ring, maybe about the size of a quarter in diameter as well as another 'ring', this one plastic and just about twice the size in diameter. 

She's been going nuts over these inanimate pieces of garbage for about two weeks now. Always my concern with a house cat is keeping them active. I don't care what they want to play with as long as they are active and exercising. I stopped paying money for 'cat toys' years ago when I saw Elsa going mental over the most mundane objects, twist ties, pieces of shoe lace, pipe cleaners...

So there's the added staple that I can never forget and that is,  I MUST play with Elsa before bed or I will stand a good chance of being attacked. 

So, we had a great session last night with Elsa doing the flips, spins and tumbles I saw so frequently in her youth (she's about 7-8 years old) as she chased around these rings.

 I was getting ready to slip into bed and I thought Elsa had gone to eat in the kitchen when I realized I hadn't turned on the fan - Any other 'ambient noise' junkies out there?
So I got lazy last night and instead of pulling on some pajama bottoms or pants and socks. I was at least smart enough to already have on my hoodie. Trust me,  I need a padding for when the beast attacks...
Instead of putting that stuff on, I took the risk and ambled in my bare feet and underwear across to the fan. On my way back, there stood Elsa between myself and the bed.
I've got to keep going and try to get to my bed, in seconds she's gonna be coming at me and I need to get in bed and get the sheets over my legs and then I can fend her off with my arms covered by the hoodie  (Plus a long sleeve shirt under that).

So as Elsa came at my exposed legs, I  swung them up on the bed and quickly covered my them. In doing so, I inadvertently knocked Elsa back to the floor as she'd jumped for my legs.
I did get covered the next try and then coud just see Elsas outline and could hear her tail swishing across the floor.
Next thing I knew she's flying at me, teeth shining in the dark like razors, claws unsheathed, front paws  outstretched to get me. She latched onto my arm like a facehugger from Alien and began a round of intense rabbit kicking. 
This is why the very last thing that I take off at night is my hoodie and long sleeve shirt,  they are my protection and do well enough to keep the skin from not being shredded off my arms like cheese in a cheese-grater.
Ears back, eyes black and digging in her claws with her front paws while furiously rabbit kicking with her hind legs. 
She'll let go every so often to collect herself and then she'll shrink back, getting as small as she can before uncoiling like a viper, latching onto my arm again and going full out with another attack.
This will go on for about 5 minutes or more before she'll tire of not seeing my blood spattered all over the wall and jump off the bed and usually heads for kitchen to eat. 
Odd she's never left the room and then came back and attacked me.

So wish I could capture this stuff on video! 

Love this nutter! 

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