Monday, April 23, 2018

"Finally There's Someone To Believe"

ha! This cat, so weird... Why sleep like this? She usually crawls under my sheets to 'hide from the light'...

Ohhhh right! I knew there was something I was going to write about... Elsa! LOL... That dang cat. Last night we were playing before bed (or she'll lay a beat down on me). So I got these stairs that go to my basement, but there's no door, so I got a sheet up over it and Elsa likes to hide behind the sheet and play... So, I was holding the sheet around the corner of the entry way to the basement, so she couldn't get out. I started to blow on the sheet, causing a 'wave' to ripple through it, I was thinking she'd start lashing out at the sheet where it was rippling... So I'm blowing at the sheet, ripple, ripple... nothing... blow at the sheet, ripple, ripple... and then, *WAP*, right to my head from through the sheet ... I near fell over laughing. She seems to see behind some of my 'tricks'sometimes. I wasn't prepared for her to figure that out at all. Wish I could video that shit, but it's too spontaneous... Anyhow, another Elsa story for the books

K, really, what kind of society do we live in when we're supposed to give a rats ass about a baby being born to some "royals"? Really now... IF, Prince Jerkface and his woman were butt ugly, you think anyone would care? Nuh uh. So ridiculous. No wonder the World's going to Hell in a handbasket.

Woke up today to see the girls had once again returned and.... Garbage is gone! Yay! Was so glad about that... I like critters, but once they'd supped upon that garbage, I was thinking after it ran out they'd get some iron bars and break into my place and eat me or that cat.... Ya never know with inner city critters, they can be pretty bright...

Went on a nice walk today, video audio is a bit fucked from the wind... Need some kinda windsock for the phone. I mean, it was windy, but not THAT windy.

And now, "Finally There's Someone To Believe".....
Someone to Believe
Bad Religion
Dark, frozen, hibernation held at bay 
As your mind, left behind, lost another day
But finally there's someone to believe

Anti-social boredom is all the rage 
But the time comes when you gotta turn the page 
And then finally there's someone to believe
And now you walk with confidence and ease
And there's no call to sell your soul 
Or confess or drop down to your knees

Who, what, or where made you change your mind? 
Doesn't matter anymore 'cause you've seen a sign
And now finally there's someone to believe

Searching for the answer's a lonely quest 
But the act is liable to bring out your best
And then finally there's someone to believe
And now you have a purpose to proceed
And you find out the baggage that you discarded, 
You didn't even need

No one can deny a return to form 
Irrespective of the morass, shame, and scorn
But then finally there's someone to believe
Ready to emerge and direct your fate 
As the self-determination radiates 
Because finally there's someone to believe
And now you walk with confidence and ease
And it feels like the spring equinox after a long winter's sleep

Finally, there's someone to believe

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