Thursday, April 5, 2018

Egyptians In Nova Scotia & A Letter From Aleister Crowley To Lord Beaverbrook

So I was watching a documentary the other evening on Mi’kmaq myth and history. It was a very interesting documentary and part way through it the authors reading the information dropped a big bomb I'd never heard of.
Now, I've heard of ancient Egyptians possibly being in Australia, in parts of the U.S. including, Illinois and allegedly, an astounding find in the Grand Canyon (This find alleges that they found pillars, hieroglyphs and even a sarcophagus, this is said to have been confiscated by the 'Smithsonian Institute' and even appeared in a local newspaper at the time).
This incredible piece of information claims that on Mi’kmaq land in what is now Bedford, Nove Scotia there were found hieroglyphs AND that pieces of the Mi’kmaq language (which as far as what I've read is unique to the Mi’kmaq) there are pictographs that are very similar to an era of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Now, mainstream archaeologists don't believe that the Egyptians ventured very far in boats. But they've found many huge boats built by the ancient Egyptians that would be deemed sea faring by most learned historians, but the mainstream historians believe that the buried boats are nothing but solar vessels, used in rituals about the journey to the underworld.... Seems pretty strange that the Egyptians would build such vessels, perfect in every way for long sea journeys and only to be used for ritual...
Now, I've not read every single piece of translated Egyptian lore that there is, nor have I ever read anything about ancient Egyptians making long sea voyages. One might think that IF the ancient Egyptians had taken long sea journeys to foreign lands, almost unknown worlds, meeting new kinds of people, wouldn't they have documented this? Wouldn't there be some shred of evidence in Egypt that this had transpired? Maybe not, but maybe it was kept in the 'hall of record' in the Alexandria library that was decimated by fire and so much history lost.
IF, it's true, that the Mi’kmaq had some interactions with the Egyptians, would they not have passed this information down through the ages?
All is hard to prove, but still, it's quite amazing nonetheless.
Here's a link to a website with some information on the Mi’kmaq, Egyptian connection.

So, I related the other evening about the loss of my E- Occult library. So I set out to try and reclaim that which was lost. Difficult part is/was, I didn't have logged or written down anywhere what books I had read, so by memory I couldn't recount what i was searching for.
I did find some excellent websites with access to loads of occult E-books and then off of a forum I visited I got the idea to check torrent sites. So I went to my torrent platform I use and got nearly 10 GIGS of Occult material! 10 gigs man!
So once I had it downloaded it became a major task (which I'm still in the process of) to weed out what was good or bunk material.
Now, I'll point out that my interest in the Occult is purely educational. I find it fascinating material to read through, much more fascinating that the major religious tomes of the World. I am no fan of Aleister Crowley, but his works I think are necessary when it comes to reading up on the Occult history of the World. So, in one of the many folders that came in the 10 gigs. I came across an interesting title of a note in the Aleister Crowley folder.
This file said, "An Open Letter To Lord Beaverbrook"...... Now, if you're not reading this in New Brunswick or if you are in NB and don't know much of it's history, you'd at least maybe know, if you're in Fredericton, that 'Lord Beaverbrook' and his wife 'Lady Beaverbrook' have much named after them in this city and province, the very street I live on is named after Beaverbrook and a local ice rink is named after his wife.
Lord Beaverbrook, also known as, Max Aitken (as in the 'Aitken Center) was a Canadian-British newspaper publisher and backstage politician who was an influential figure in British media and politics of the first half of the 20th century. His base of power was the largest circulation newspaper in the world, the Daily Express, which appeal to the conservative working class with intensely patriotic news and editorials. During the Second World War he played a major role in mobilizing industrial resources as Winston Churchill's minister of aircraft production (Max Aitken/Lord Beaverbrook)

Looking into this "Open Letter" it seems that it was written by Norman Mudd an associate of Aleister Crowley's at Crowley's behest. The letter says that the British newspaper 'he Sunday Express" had written "A series of sensational articles", which Crowley claimed were slanderous and libelous.
Finding some documentation about this article, it says that at this point Crowley was pretty much a broken man and had no financial means to take legal action against the newspaper, so this "Open Letter..." had been sent to Lord Beaverbrook and other "literary and political figures".
It just seemed crazy that Lord Beaverbrook, a man who had so much to do with the history of this part of the World I call home and Crowley would have some kind of 'connection'.

Small old World Eh?

Crowley was crazed lunatic of a man who thought that all this 'Occult majik' would bring him great power, but in the end he died a diseased, hated and hunted old wretch.

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