Sunday, April 22, 2018

And D'ats What I Calls a Spring Day!

Beautiful, truly a Spring day today. Temp right now is 11°C, that is according to the Weather Network, so it could really be warmer. Supposed to be about 10°C all week for daytime highs...WHOA! OOps, screwed that up! It's supposed to be ABOVE 10°C all week for daytime highs!

Got up at a decent time. Did some yard work, despite my body telling me not to, but sometimes you just have to not listen to your brain and body, though I suspect in a few hours I'll be paying for it.

After the yard work, I punished myself further with a walk. 'Bad Religion' blasting in my ears drove me on. Was nice to see a lot of people out. Sometimes I'm out walking and I don't see a soul for just about the entire walk and it's not because I'm out when people are working or they are just getting home, guess they just got other things to do than enjoy fresh air and beautiful weather.

Had a great visit with my Father and his girlfriend. We all went over to Scott and Andrea's for some really great Chinese food last night. This will probably have been Dad's 'visit' for the Spring, although I could see him coming back down to help Gordy launch the sailboat and get it season ready.
Again, it was really great for them to come down for the screening on Friday. 

The girls next door all moved out and when they did, they left a ton of garbage bags by their door. I've seen just about every creature Fredericton has diggin' away at it, dragging it all over their property and partially spilling on to ours. 
I thought they'd gone for good, I had seen some older folks around the property over the last week or so and whoever that was, I guess went into the 'garage/barn'.... 
All of a sudden yesterday, a few of the girls were back and they 'cleaned out' the 'garage/barn'... Now there's two tons of garbage out there.... Check this out. It's REALLY lovely to look out my big picture window at... I hope they leave it there all Spring and Summer! *note the sarcasm dripping from the text...
This photo does not include the 5-6 bags of garbage by their door...
Ain't that lovely? Fuckin' kids.....

If it ain't gone tomorrow, city's getting called, Oh yeah, that's right, I'm the 'grumpy ol' man'... And you kids.......

And just for shit's and giggles:

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