Tuesday, April 3, 2018

It's All Gone...

Well, so much for that. I don't know how, why or when I lost my occult e-library. I had collected some 50 books, ranging from the occult history of the nazis to majik of the Egyptians and just tons more. I tried to reboot my old Toshiba laptop to see if they might still be on there, but that laptop is hooped. I checked my USB drives, I checked some CD-Roms I had.. Nuthin'... I did find a couple of books that I had on my Blackberry tablet and to I did have more on there, but before I left for Cuba I had made space on there for some movies, but the drive was so small that I couldn't even fit on one tv program and .... I deleted a bunch of the e-books on there thinking, 'It's no problem, I've them saved on my laptop'... WRONG

The only saving grace was Elsa. Because my backs been so bad, I've taken to putting a bunch of pillows behind it when I'm at my laptop. I had just got up and Elsa decided she wanted up on my chair that I sit in at the laptop. As she jumped up, her claws dug into one of the pillows and she and the pillow went tumbling to the floor, it was very much lacking in grace that attempt and she really had a good tumble, so much so that I burst out laughing and well, Elsa I guess was embarrassed and when I started laughing, I guess that pissed her off, so as I started to walk away laughing she came at my legs... Tough luck for her that I'm wearing jeans with long-johns underneath them... So her attack was in vain but she kept clawing my leg and trying to attack my feet.
That cat slays me. She's so funny, has such a short fuse.

Now, I guess it's time to start rebuilding that library....

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