Sunday, April 15, 2018

A.I. It's coming for you!

Just an 'Add-on' to this post:
SURPRISE ASTEROID FLYBY: With little warning, a relatively large asteroid flew through the Earth-Moon system on April 15th only 192,200 km (0.5 LD) from our planet. 2018 GE3 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey approaching Earth on April 14th. Hours later, amateur astronomer Michael Jäger of Weißenkirchen Austria video-recorded the space rock rushing through the southern constellation Serpens:
Close call! '2018GE3 is the largest known asteroid to pass this close to the Earth in observational history

"According to wikipedia, 2018 GE3 is the largest known asteroid to pass that close to Earth in observational history," says Jäger. "It was shining like a 13th magnitude star at the time of my observations."

Based on the intensity of its reflected sunlight, 2018 GE3 must be 48 to 110 meters wide, according to NASA-JPL. This puts it into the same class as the 60-meter Tunguska impactor that leveled a forest in Siberia in 1908. A more recent point of comparison is the Chelyabinsk meteor--a ~20-meter asteroid that exploded in the atmosphere over Russia on Feb. 15, 2013, shattering windows and toppling onlookers as a fireball brighter than the sun blossomed in the blue morning Ural sky. 2018 GE3 could be 5 to 6 times wider than that object.

If 2018 GE3 had hit Earth, it would have caused regional, not global, damage, and might have disintegrated in the atmosphere before reaching the ground. Nevertheless, it is a significant asteroid, illustrating how even large space rocks can still take us by surprise. 2018 GE3 was found less than a day before before its closest approach. 

Based on an observational arc of only 1 day, 2018 GE3 appears to follow an elliptical orbit which stretches from the asteroid belt to deep inside the inner solar system. Every ~2.5 years the space rock crosses the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars--although not necessarily making close approaches to the planets themselves.  An interactive 3D orbit of the asteroid is available from JPL


Computers are taking over the planet at lightning speed. Let's take a look at what we're facing...


There's 4 Million truck drivers in the US and 7 million data entry employee's in the US, in the not so distant future, these jobs will be taken over by robots.

IBM's 'Watson' does the business analytics that companies used to pay people $300/hr to do.

Radiologists, those who look at Xrays for health issues could be gone soon. There's an AI that sorts through millions of mammograms and it can spot cancer in seconds as opposed to huemahns that it would take eons for the same feat to be performed.

Surgical robots. There's been robots on assembly lines for years now.

So what will huemahns do for work? How will they be paid? Will there come a time when money is worthless? A massive global 'welfare state'?

Soon, with the advent of 3D Printing, we're heading into these machines having the abilities to 'make' products our of a plethora of materials. 
Will our food be 3D printed in the future? It's almost a certainty.

I saw a documentary years ago that postulated that 3 D printers will make rare elements, so that will destroy the need for money. If 'everyone' could create their own gold, diamonds and other 'rare elements', what will the need for money be? 
Of course, the creators and lawmakers will outlaw the production of these types of elements, but as with everything, those systems will be hacked or just end up in the black market.

Robots & The Coming A.I. Revolution

10,000 drones in the US, with 80 countries that use drones.

A $500 combat AI beat the US Air Force's top tactical experts..

A robot made in the US, was designed with it's own 'blank AI'. and 4 legs. In a matter of days, it began to walk. So then they did something cruel. They chopped off a leg, and it only took again, a matter of days and it taught itself how to limp.
They decided to look at it's neurons, as the robot had all kinds of censors to identify objects that the huemahns waved in front of it, while studying the neurons, they noticed that one was acting particularly unusual and found that this neuron was tracking their faces. The haunting/shocking part of this is, they had never programmed the robot to track faces, it did so, all on its own.

GOOGLE Deepmind -"DeepMind Technologies Limited is a British artificial intelligence company founded in September 2010.

Acquired by Google in 2014, the company has created a neural network that learns how to play video games in a fashion similar to that of humans,[4] as well as a Neural Turing machine,[5] or a neural network that may be able to access an external memory like a conventional Turing machine, resulting in a computer that mimics the short-term memory of the human brain.[6][7]

The company made headlines in 2016 after its AlphaGo program beat a human professional Go player for the first time in October 2015[8] and again when AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol the world champion in a five-game match, which was the subject of a documentary film.[9]

A more generic program, AlphaZero, beat the most powerful programs playing go, chess and shogi (Japanese chess) after a few hours of play against itself using reinforcement learning." - From Wikipedia

Deepmind could play and beat ALL ATARI video games in seconds. ALL of the games.

Took AI 7 days to beat the best poker players in the World,

When Things Go Wrong

In 2010 "Flash Crash" in a matter of minutes a trillion dollars of value was lost in the stock market.
The DOW dropped nearly a 1000 points in an hour.

More than 60% were being initiated by computers. Algorithms responded to algorithms was the cause.

What will happen in only a matter of less than a decade when nearly 95% or more of the Worlds operations, from street lights to air traffic control towers are completely run by computers and we have a major solar eruption. 
The 'Carrington Event' in 1859 was so powerful that operators were burned as fire came through the telephone lines. Power lines caught fire.

The Sun, in the past has had events unlike anything we've ever seen yet. At this point even the most modern electrical grids are at risk, let alone country's like Egypt, India and even places like Cuba have electrical systems that would give most electricians severe anxiety attacks.
So if a massive solar flare hits the Earth and all these systems are taken down, we could have World wide catastrophe's. What is being done to protect, not only the hardware, but software of these systems?

The 'Northeast Blackout' or 2003 was caused by a 'bug' in the system.

A terrorist EMP event. Electromagnetic Pulse could easily wipe out the electronics of any major or minor city.

Great documentary to watch: 'Can You Trust This Computer?' 2018

So is the future of huemahnkind bright or dark? Only the future will tell...and I bet there's some A.I. out there that knows.... But is it telling?

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