Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Mystery of Justine Beerburp & His Canceled World Tour

So, no, I don't have any love for Justin Bieber. I do, have an interest in 'mega-stars' their rise to fame and often their downfalls.
Justin Bieber or as I affectionately call him 'Justine Beerburp' had been an anomaly to me for a while.
The guy seemed to do a lot wrong, but always got away with it. I was really pissed off when he had been caught speeding in Florida and was charged with that offence as well as reckless driving. That along with other charges that ranged from assault to vandalism and DUI.
My anger was this, Bieber, as much as many of us hate to admit it is Canadian, and if I or you had committed most of if not all of the crimes that this punk has, we'd be kicked out of the US and probably barred from returning (usually you won't be allowed to enter the US or other countries if you have a criminal record).
Beerburp  mug shot

Obviously, being a 'superstar' has it's privileges.
In July of 2017, news in the music world spoke that Justin had all of a sudden canceled the remaining dates of his World tour. Then, he dropped off the face of the World. There was no more Bieber news... Which, is GREAT!
But, because I'm curious, I had to wonder, why did he drop the tour? I mean, that's a shitload of cash he lost and most likely, legally had to make major payouts for canceling shows at arenas, forums, festivals, ticket money refunded to fans, that's a major deal for an 'artist'.
So what happened?
There was little to no news on what happened, there were some rumors that he had a breakdown, that he just needed a rest because he'd been touring too hard and then, there was the rumor he'd found 'god'.
Now, I admit that 'TMZ' isn't the best news source on the planet. BUT, I'll give it to them, when it comes to celebs they get their people as far up a stars poopshoot as they can.
Rumors were that Biebs had been seen going to this church each Sunday and other days of the week. Some pics even surfaced of him going to this church and some video showed him trailed by reporters asking what had happened to the tour and what he was up to.
Proof is in the puddin' Bieber at church in California

So, Justine's turned to 'god' eh? What the heck? Why? How'd this happen? It didn't sound like he'd gone into rehab for any drugs or alcohol issues, so what was going on here? Why had the mighty, dirty, raunchy, out of control Beerburp killed off his tour to end up at church services?

Some investigating brought up an interesting answer.

Searching the web, which was initiated after I had been listening to a PODcast, I found a story about one evening Bieber and his entourage had gone to this mega industry party. He and his gang were hanging around when Bieber, it is alleged was approached and told that if he wanted to REALLY elevate his status as a star, like, he was famous already, but if he really wanted to reach that status of 'superstar', ala Michael Jackson or Jay Z Or Johnny Depp, then he'd have to join an 'exclusive club'....
Now at this party, it is claimed, Beerburp was told that there was a young man there and by 'young man' it is alleged that this was a preteen boy. It's alleged that Beerburp was told that in order to "join the club" that he must engage in sexual depravities with this child and most shocking of all, he was told he'd have to kill the boy. This kind of story, believe it or not is not new to the music industry or to Hollywood. A recent documentary that the powers that be have tried to quash called 'An Open Secret' investigates the young actor/model scene in Hollywood, in which young men and women are offered great parts, but they end up at parties where they are usually drugged and end up in compromising videos and photos. Allegations of this shocking 'scene' has been raised by everyone from the kid who played 'Willis' on 'Different Strokes to Corey Feldman and Corey Haim (who's chronic drug abuse allegedly stemmed from the abuse he went through as a young actor).

So, this was the offer that Beerburp was presented with. Beerburp, at least seems to maybe have some type of decency, declined the 'offer' and immediately left the party. It's said that this story was told by Beerburp himself during a meeting at his church and is the real reason WHY he dropped his tour. He'd uncovered the disgusting underbelly of the entertainment world and rejected it. Which like him or not, it may be the most decent move this kids ever made.

2017 was supposed to be the year that these 'child sex rings in the entertainment industry' were to be outed and exposed, but the Harvey Wienstein and #Metoo movement have all but buried many claims and the documentary 'An open Secret'.
Since the 1970's, rumors and allegations of child sex rings have broiled to the top of the newsworld only to be soon buried. Boys Town and many other incidents are out there to be learnt about. In the UK, Jimmy Saville and Gary Glitter were charged with years of child sexual assaults. These investigations fanned out to include some of the biggest names in the UK, in particular among the British government.
Casting couches exist in near every occupation out there. The abuse happens to men and women. So it wasn't too much of a surprise to hear what had happened to Beerburp.
Over the last many months Corey Feldman had been trying to get as much exposure on talk shows and YouTube, attempting to raise money, some 15/20million dollars, to fund a documentary and expose the child sex abusers of Hollywood... Which is ridiculous. Just expose them, you don't need t make a damn film about it, if it's true, just do it, if it's not go back to touring with your 'angels' and dancing like Michael Jackson....

Again, I don't like anything about Justine Beerburp, but at least it sounds like he MAY have a bit of a decent spine in him to reject 'super-stardom' if it meant he had to give not only his soul, but the soul of some poor innocent child who no doubt had been abducted from his own life and was now a plaything of truly sick and vile monsters.

I'm providing a link to a news story on Justine Beerburp and these allegations, as well as the link to the documentary 'An Open Secret'. It's an amazing and shocking film, I really recommend watching it. After I had seen it and read up a bit more on the sick underbelly of Hollywood, I had almost wanted to completely shun any movie made. It's truly disgusting that we huemahns are seemingly sliding backwards on our own excrement down the evolutionary scale, instead of going forward and evolving into a race of proper humans who can all live together no matter what ethnicity or gender. Underneath it all, we're all supposed to be the same animal, though it would seem, not only seem, it is a fact that some of our fellow huemahns are not like us at all and maybe the best thing for them is to die off so we can be done with them those who ruin so many people's lives.

Beiber and why he dropped his tour/allegations of sexual abuse in the entertainment industry:

'An Open Secret' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8uccDBgkpA - Documentary on  the sexual abuse of children in the entertainment industry in Hollywood.

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