Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The 'Mystery' of 'Freddy Beach' Explained.

I live in Fredericton, New Brunswick, I affectionately call it, the Butthole of Canada. Butt, really, it's not a bad city. It's pretty clean (except in the Spring), but the city does a fantastic job cleaning up the place. Low crime, though it seems to be picking up, nice people, though folk from Saint John would argue this. Sure, it can be a 'lil 'snobby', we got the University and the Provincial Government is seated here. It's got great art and culture, both above and below ground (as in an 'underground scene').

There's a mystery though. years ago, maybe in the mid to late 1980's the nickname 'Freddy Beach' popped up. It seem to spread like a plague and there were some shops that jumped on board to create lotsa touristy 'Freddy Beach' merch.
It's alleged, that Valley Graphics, actually 'own's the copyright to 'Freddy Beach', which in my opinion is pretty stupid. I mean, it's not like the place is World renowned as, 'Freddy Beach'... Most of it's citizens have no clue what it means or where that nickname came from. Some friends who have recently started their own business, which because it was an 'off the record' conversation, i won't say who this came from or what business they own, but they had wanted to use the name 'Freddy Beach' in their business name, it was tossed onto Facebook, to see how people reacted to it and no sooner than a day, they got a "Cease & Desist" order from the 'owners' of the name, saying they could NOT use 'Freddy Beach' and if they continued, they could/would be sued...

Searching online, I found a couple of articles, but the nazi-esque hold on media by The Daily Gleaner and the Telegraph Journal, owned by Irving ltd. won't let you view those articles unless you're a subscriber.
So I found a Reddit page that questioned the nickname and no one had a clue. So, I guess it's up to me.

UPDATE: I just found another page that had the 'answer' to the question of how Fredericton got the nickname, 'Freddy Beach'... It sounds pretty legit, so I guess if anything, that would be the 'backup' to my theory.
"Remember back to the 80’s, 1981 to 1988–to be exact,when Fredericton secured an AHL Team from the Quebec Nordiques that was called the Fredericton Express. see the link here incase you forget the logo….

Well, for a lot of these young guys, that were from another province, many being from Quebec, spoke very little English in an otherwise predominantly Enlgish town at that time. Mnay were shy, and a bit homesick I think for their friends and family. But some very special guys around town started talking to the players and making them feel like Fredericton was a place where they belonged. Clint Malarchuck, Tony Currie, Danny Grant, just to name a few really rolled out the welcome mat so to speak to do their best to make everyone feel at home in our Lovely city.

The boys on the team were the ones who started joking about Fredericton being a winter resort, and thus the Posh sounding name of “Freddy Beach” was born. with its roots in the bowels of the Aitken Centre, and it was them, not Mr. Colpitts, that coined the phrase to describe and give an otherwise sometimes cold and dismal small city like Fredericton, something more upbeat and a bit funny.

Shawn (of Freddy Beach Clothing Company) did develope the brandname as it was starting to catch on, but then again so did other people like Chuck Fullton, may he rest in peace.

Bottom line is, Shawn heard about the moniker, saw the opportunity to market it as a brand name and image, but give credit where credit is due, the boys from Quebec gave the beginnings to the name to enlighten the winter experience in our sleep and small little town of Fredericton.

Freddy Beach does sound abit more exotic that Fredericton you must admit."

I like my 'theory' better as to WHY, this place is called, 'Freddy Beach':

"And now you know and, knowing is half the battle! G.I. Joe!"

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