Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Spring Storm

Well there is a heavy rainfall warning on for my area and North of here it's forecast for them to possibly get upwards of 25 to 30cm of snow.
Most of the day it was more misty and drizzle, that kinda stuff when you're walking in it and it's like someone's got a spritz bottle and they are spritzing mist in your face.
I had gone to the grocery store to pick up a couple things before it really started to rain. Around 5 O'clock, it was jut raining a little, when I thought I heard a rumbling.. So I shut off the television and sure enough, we got our first thunderstorm! W00T!
It didn't turn out to be all that exciting, few rumbles, caught a couple flashes, had a bit of a monsoon with some hail. Winds are supposed to pick up tonight to over 50km/hr. But the rain will soon ease off, I think by midnight.

I just finished a horrible movie called 'And Deliver Us From Evil'... Don't watch it, it's dumb dumb dumb.
I did find a great flick to watch though, it's called 'He Who Get's Slapped', it's a REAL old one! 19 24! Lon Chaney plays a scientist who gets his worked ripped off by a close friend and finds out his wife is cheating on him with this 'close friend'.. Double whammy. When he finds all this out, his 'wife' calls him a clown and then it's off to the future a few years later and Lon Chaney is now a clown... I haven't watched it yet, so I can't tell you how it ends, but it's super creepy looking and quite bizarre! Two of my favorite criteria for a movie.
I really dig the old black & white silent films. Something about them, not sure what. I do know that for years I had this reoccurring dream and I don't recall ever seeing Errol Flynn in 'Robin Hood' (1938), but in this dream, which I recall it was in black and white, and I don't recall if it was myself in the dream, but it had a bunch of men fighting their way through a castle. Years later when i was this version of 'Robin Hood', I couldn't help but have this feeling of 'deja-vu' and knew right away that this was so uncanny that it would be just like the dream I had. Each time I had this dream, which for as far as I can recall, it seemed to rear up every couple of years or so, the fighting would get further and further along in the castle. In the end, i don't know if we/ or whomever was fighting made it out of the castle, saved some damsel in distress, found treasure, who knows.

When we lived at Elmcroft place, my Mom took in borders from UNB, usually ESL students, but we had some Engineers and other students. I remember going to see the Tod Browning movie 'Freaks', which was made in 1932 with one of these students. If you've never seen this film, I beg you to do so. Now that I'm older and understand that there are people who exist like this in the World today ( I mean, I actually have known this seeing this film), I see it from a different mindset, but as a kid when I saw this, I couldn't help but laugh my guts out at these 'freaks', people with very real diseases or just born with very awful deformations. I do remember closer to the end of the film, which I think we saw at Marshall Davery Hall, that it did dawn on me that these were actual people. It's quite a shocking movie and one that anyone who calls themselves a 'film buff' should take in.

Don't dismiss the 'old' movies, for they are gems and inspirations for all the garbage movies they make today!

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