Monday, April 30, 2018

The 'Shigir' Idol - Another Part Of The Global Awakening From Our Time Amnesia

This is an amazing piece of history that is shrouded in mystery. Found in Russian in the 1800's, the 'idol' that stands at some 5 meters in height was found by loggers in a bog in 'Shigir' Russia.

The idol, comes from around the same time period that my favorite archaeological site was built (Gobekli Tepe), after the last ice age, when people were thought to be just "hunter/gatherers". Mainstream archaeologists and historians don't believe that early huemahns were capable of much, but if you follow me and know about the history I follow, we are slowly unraveling a past that's been hidden by the mainstream world and also by the ravages of time itself.

People have compared the bulbous head and petite mouth to the alien 'grays'... The 'idol' has all kinds of strange scratches and markings, but nothing that seems to be any kind of 'language'.

Read on my friends!

Shigir Idol found to be 11,600 years old. It was made by the survivors of the last great Ice Age

THIS timber statue’s tale of survival is extraordinary. It’s 11,600 years old — making it twice as old as Egypt’s pyramids — and 6000 years older than Stonehenge.

( - - IT was found by peat bog diggers in 1894.

It was made of a single trunk of larchwood. It had been carved into a smooth plank.

It was covered with carefully engraved patterns — and topped with a stylized human head.

The Russian archaeologists who have examined it over the past century knew it was old.

Just not how old.

Most thought it dated back just a couple of thousand years.

Known as the Shigir Idol, the only reason it exists is because of where it was found.

The soft peat mud holds powerful antimicrobial properties.

So the wood was able to remain there, perfectly preserved, for millennia.

Encased in its soft embrace, the statue has survived countless bushfires, floods and earthquakes - and the transition of the world out of an Ice Age.

Now a team of researchers in Germany have completed their study on exactly how old it could be.

Their result, published in the scientific journal Antiquity, determines it was felled and carved some 11,600 years ago.

That’s twice as old as Egypt’s pyramids — and 6000 years older than Stonehenge.

It must have been built near the end of the last great Ice Age.

And that makes it one of the very earliest known monumental artworks ever made by human kind.


Nobody knows what the totem-like pole represents.

While several fragments have been lost since it was first found, it probably originally stood about 5m tall.

From a distance, it has a clearly recognisable human head and hands.

But it is also covered with symbolic markings. Some are simple patterns. There are about eight different faces — many of them tiny — engraved in its surface.

In 1997, Russian scientists used radiocarbon dating to estimate the object’s age.

SILURIAN HYPOTHESIS: Could a pre-human civilisation have existed?

Their results produced a figure of some 9800 years.

The findings were controversial.

There was little evidence that humanity had emerged from the last Ice Age with the artistic and cultural talents necessary to create such monumental symbology.

Humanity had been on the edge of surviva

Recently, the idol was shipped to Germany’s University of Göttingen from its carefully controlled enclosure in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum in Russia.

Its timbers and materials found surrounding it in the peat bog have since been put through a barrage of tests.

One of them, accelerator mass spectrometry, returned a new date.

It is 11,600 years old.

In anthropological terms, that’s the early Holocene — shortly after the last Ice Age reached its peak. The worst had begun to pass. Forests were spreading. Lakes and seas were rising.

Things were getting a little warmer.

“Early Holocene hunter-gatherers clearly inhabited a symbolic world with richer and more complex forms of artistic expression than was previously believed,” the study's authors write.


Old drawings of the statue dating from 1914 were made when the statue was in a better condition. They show what appear to be a stack of five faces on its surface.

But ongoing studies have revealed more.

The analysis also revealed a previously undiscovered symbolic face embedded in its engravings.

We now know there are eight faces on the wooden figure.

Study co-author Thomas Terberger told Science the statue shows these hunter gatherers had been able to cope with glaciers, ice, snow and cold well enough to develop large-scale ritualistic art.

What the Shigir Idol’s symbols mean can only be guessed at.

Even calling it an idol is risky.

We simply don’t know the mind of our Ice Age ancestors.

But this is one of the best clues we have yet.

With the end of that era, cave paintings and carvings of lifelike animals simply stopped. New, difficult to interpret, stylised patterns begin to emerge.

“The vertical placement of the faces could indicate the presence of an internal hierarchy among the images, or a sequence of events,” the study reads. The Shigir Idol offers “potential for a better understanding of the spiritual world of early hunter-gatherer-fishers of the forest zone of Eurasia,” it says.

Co-author Mikhail Zhilin of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow believes the idol shows local forest spirits. The zigzag patterns could be a “keep out!” warning to mark a dangerous or taboo space.

“We have to conclude hunter-gatherers had complex ritual and expression of ideas. Ritual doesn’t start with farming, but with hunter-gatherers,” Terberger says.

“Wood normally doesn’t last ... I expect there were many more of these and they’re not preserved.”

The study’s authors also note similarities between the idol’s distinctive style of artwork to that of Gobekli Tepe some 2500km away in southern Turkey. These are humanity’s earliest known monumental stone ruins, and date from about the same time.

The Russian Academy of Sciences says it has been conducting new excavations around the site where the Shigir Idol was originally found. Hundreds of new artefacts have been found, including bone spearheads and daggers, elk antlers carved with symbolic animal faces and woodworking tools.

Please check out this totally awesome 3D version of the 'Shigir Idol' that you can rotate and move around!


Slept a lot today. weather had me beat into the Earth......

While I do listen to a fare bit of new music, I'm pretty nostalgic music wise. The last few weeks have been a Hardcore/Cross-over/ Punk binge. Bad Brains, Bad Religion, The Accused... Lots of Bad Religion. I'm a sucker for harmonies and the band has them in spades. I know some people lump Bad Religion in with the 'Green Day' (which I did love their first two albums) and 'Blink 182' Pop Punk scene, but I think that Bad Religion has a lot more brains than Blink or Green Day...
Anyhoo... Music helps me live.

A Streetkid Named Desire

Well, it was punk-fifteen in the morning
And it was time
To stand my ground
And as the gawks and stares bombarded me
You know, I didn't even
Hear a sound
No one gave a damn
If I was there or away
If I died and went to hell,
They'd throw a party on my grave
And they'd all say,
"This kid is just a fool, he'll never be cool,
They might as well just ship him off
To some other school"
Plain destitute
Just a little too guilty, just a little too soon
That day was just like any other day
No work, and no pay
I knew that paradise was some other place
And I'd get there another day
I will find it before I expire
Cause I've got the desire
Well, it was punk-fifteen in the evening
And it was time to set the town on fire
I saw my boots and my hair,
As reflected in the mirror,
Reveal a street kid named desire
I didn't give a damn
Because I was just dying to be
And as the Hollywood street scene
Left its mark on me
I changed from a boy into a man
I said "never again!"
I stuck out my chin when I should have ran
Shit in the fan
I was driven so hard
By the sound of my heart
When the walls surround
In deeper shades of blue
And there's no voice of reason inside you
And you search for meaning
On an empty shelf
Then you're always dreaming
Of somewhere else
Today is just like any other day
No fear, no restraint
I know that paradise is some other place
And I will get there another day
You can come with me,
No conditions or fares
Somehow, somewhere,
I will find it before I expire,
Cause I've got the desire


So, you're feeling unimportant,
'cause you've got nothing to say.
And your live is just a ramble
No one understand you anyway

Well, I got a piece of news son,
That might make you change your mind
Your life is historically meaningful
And spans a significant time

Slumber will come soon
And you are helping to put it to sleep
Side by side we do our share
Faithfully assuring that
Slumber will come soon.

Well, now do you feel a little better
Lift up your head and walk away
Knowing we're all in this together
For such a short time anyway

There is just no time to parade around
Sulking, i would rather laugh than cry
The rich, the poor, the strong, the weak
We share this place together
And we pitch into help it die

I'm not too good at giving morals
And I don't fear the consequence
If life makes you scared and bitter
At least it's not for very long

Slumber will come soon


Like a rock,
Like a planet,
Like a fucking atom bomb,
I'll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness

That I encounter everywhere I turn
I've seen it all before
In book and magazines
Like a twitch before dying
Like a pornographic sea
There's a flower behind the window

There's an ugly laughing man
Like a hummingbird in silence
Like the blood on the door
It's the generator
Oh yeah, oh yeah, like the blood on my door

Wash me clean and I will run
Until I reach the shore
I've known it all along
Like the bone under my skin
Like actors in a photograph
Like paper in the wind
There's a hammer by the window
There's a knife on the floor
Like turbines in darkness
Like the blood on my door

It's the generator

Greg Graffin and Bret Gurewitz are incredible lyricists..... In my opinion

Sunday, April 29, 2018

No Flood Vids or Pix Today.... Just Misfits....

Children in Heat

Children in heat
They have no conscience
No resistance
You gotta see this big reaction
No resistance

Cellophane sex, a new way of life
With your heart in your throat
And the other alive
You've been pissin', pissin' blood
Pissin' blood for seven days

No resistance
No resistance
No resistance

Children in heat
You can't control them
Why they're away and away
They're always gonna run away

Children in heat
You can't control them
Why they're running away
Children in heat

Are young little kindle wood
I see them burning
They all changed their names to Chicago

No resistance
No resistance
No resistance

Children in heat
You can't control them
Why they'm running away

Children in heat
You can't control them
Why they're running away and away
They're always gonna run away

Children in heat
You can't control them
Why they're running away and away
They're always gonna run away

Children in heat
You can't control them
Why they're running away

Where Eagles Dare

We walk the streets at night
We go where eagles dare
They pick up every movement
They pick up every loser
With jaded eyes and features
You think they really care

I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby
I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby, babe

An omelet of disease awaits your noontime meal
Her mouth of germicide seducing all your glands

I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby

I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby, babe

Let's test your threshold of pain
Let's see how long you last
That's happened in your rape
On bosoms of your past

With jaded eyes and features
You think they really care
Let's go where eagles dare
We'll go where eagles dare

I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby
I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby
I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby
I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch
You better think about it baby, hey

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Fredericton Flooding Video Part III

This is it for today's footage. Hopefully I'll be in shape to go check out what the lay of the land is tomorrow. I'll try to hit some places I haven't gone if I do get out.

Fredericton Flooding Parti Deux (Video II)

Here's part Two of today's outing to see the flood

Fredericton Flooding - The Movie! Pt. I (Video)

Here's some video footage from today's outing. I use a pretty shitty video editing software to put these together and I've found that I've I throw in too much video and editing, that soon files are corrupted and hours of work goes down the flood drain... So it'll come in chunks... 'Spurts' didn't sound right.....

|And HEY! Drivers, Yeah, I'm talking to you, smarten up! ROAD CLOSED means ROAD CLOSED! Depending on where you get stranded, rescue workers will risk THEIR lives to get YOU!
And personally, I think you should have to pay their wages to do so....

Anyhow, here's part 1.

The Great Flood Of Death! Part Deux 'Le Sequelle'

Had a fair bit of rain last night, enough to push the flooding to 8 meters above sea level.

It had stopped raining long before I woke up and was feeling pretty decent when I left the house.

Oh! I woke up to some hammering next door. The guy who owns the house next door had stopped by the other day, so I took the opportunity to ask if him he'd tack down the steel slats on the barn/garage they have. During the Winter a couple of the steel slats had come loose and when the storm winds blew in a certain direction it was like someone was smashing a garbage can with a baseball bat, and that's kinda hard to sleep to.
So, he had come back to tack it down! I really do appreciate decent neighbors. The owners of the house have always been great, it's just been the tenants they've ended up with.
I'm telling ya from experience, If you're gonna rent out or have room mates, nerds are the way to go. They rarely party and don't make a heckuva lot of noise unless of course you get the one's who freak out when they are playing their video games... That can be annoying, funny at first, but it wears thin.

Anyhow, so I went out to see the lay of the land today. From news and obviously from the amount of rain we got, the water wasn't going to have gone down.

I had planned to head over to Waterloo Row, closer to where I grew up to get some pix and footage but I'm glad I didn't for two reasons; The first being part of the road to where I wanted to get was underwater and I'll explain the second reason later.

So I got to University Ave. and Alexandria St. (the road I was going to take to the river) but this stopped me.

So I decided I'd head down University avenue...

Even though University Avenue was closed, people were still driving down it, and the big Emergency Measures vehicle didn't seem to deter them either.

I could see from here that way down University avenue that there was a barricade, but i really wasn't too sure what it was about until I got closer.

My next question was, did I have to end up walking back the way I came and head to the trail? Or was the water across the road down here passable.

This guy in the truck decided to disregard the barricade warnings... So what, you got a big truck...

I saw a fellow gawker that had crossed the street on the other side and was now walking past me, so that answered my question about the water. So right here at University Ave. & Shore st, it's up through the sewers

So from here I headed towards the walking bridge... I mean, it's not really a bridge that walks.... But it's underpass is usually a casualty of the flood every year as the streets 'dips' down below water level.
Though the water here is up a pretty good notch.

From here I backtracked and then headed up to the trail to the walking bridge so I could get around the water and be right at the water's edge.
There were people EVERYWHERE! I said to this older couple, that they oughta sell tickets, this was bigger than Harvest Jazz & Blues 'fest!

Was hard to get a picture without anyone in it, but I managed :)

Heading down off the walking bridge with the river licking at the trails edge.

Every bench was in the water.

Then I headed downtown, only to run into more flooding at the corner of St. John and King St.

Next stop Officer's Square

Certainly up from yesterday

And d'at's it for today.... As I had said at the beginning of the blog, I had set out to go a bit further, but was glad I didn't, after getting some errands done downtown, on my way home I really started to feel like shit, got super tired and sore. So I packed it in and came home for a nap.

I'm uploading a bunch of video in a while.

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Great Flood of Death! 2018!~

Each Spring, because we live in the river valley of the Saint John river, there's the potential for flooding.
Now, our 'flooding' could be called nothing in comparisons to other places on the planet, but it's all relevant eh?
It's always hard to tell how bad the flood will be, not a lot of rain, cool temps, maybe not much of a flood... Lots of rain, abnormally high temps, well that's where we're at right now.
I had posted pix from my walk the other day and the water was just up the river bank a tad... Today, there's streets downtown closed because they are underwater. The on and off ramps for the Westmorland Street bridge are partially submerged, thus traffic is insane at all times of the day because there's only one or possibly two ways on the bridge.
From what I heard today while i was out, people are saying that the flooding levels currently are what they had forecast them to be on Sunday, like this coming Sunday... So we could be in for some real major flooding this year.  We have some 10mm of rain coming tonight, so that'll add to the problem... Get out them canoes! Surfs up in Freddy Beach1

Here's some footage from my walk today...

"Learn to swim":

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


[Warning: The following Blog entry may or may not contain pictures of Clowns -it does... no it doesn't....]

Remember...'member... 'Member berries.....Mmmmmm

Remember a couple weeks ago, I was fuming because I couldn't post some YouTube video's? I remember it well... Because it really pissed me off!

So, I had been running through some of my favorite albums and I had wanted to impress upon people, the maniacal, the insane, the amazing, the terrorizing and astounding musical works of 'Mr. Bungle'.

Now, ONLY read further if you're interested in hearing Mr. Bungle. With the embedded Youtube links, you don't have to leave this page to listen... But I dare and urge you to keep an open mind and open ears for something truly spectacular, a pure raging anomaly in our musical World. I think among the most talented of musicians.

From hence onward, shit gets weird......

Mr. Bungle began in Eureka, California in 1985. It was a High School band of one Michael Patton and his school mates Trey Spruance and Trevor Dunn - No relation to Mike or Daniel Dunn...... This high school act played a mish mash of covers and television show themes. On Youtube you can actually see for yourselves an early incarnation of Mr. Bungle, with skateboards, masks and zaninessessness...

I only discovered Mr. Bungle by seeing Patton's T-shirts.... in several Faith No More photoshoots.
Wait a sec... That ain't the right photo.. Hold on....

There was a lot of bands that I think many of us 'discovered' by seeing our favorite musicians wearing their merch.
Once I heard Mr. Bungle, there was no turning back....
Jazz, Metal, Rock, television show themes, Techno, Scat, classical, acid jazz, chant, merengue, Middle Eastern music, you name it it's all put into a blender and pissed on and then some shit thrown in it, blended again, then recorded on record, that's a Mr. Bungle album.

I tried to pay homage to Mr. Bungle in two Wasteland Zombies songs. 'The Town Fair' was my homage to Bungles' 'Carousel' and our song, that we've never played live in this incarnation of the band, 'Breathing' was an homage to 'Dead Goon'.
'The Town Fair', about an 'evil murderous clown', was akin to 'Carousels' circus atmosphere and 'Breathing' was about hanging yourself, which Dead Goon is also about this form of suicide.
Back in the day to piss our guitarist Rich O'Neil off, I'd dedicate the song to Kurt Cobain, albeit, Cobain shot himself... I'd introduce 'Breathing' also known as, 'Blowing your face off with a shotgun' (even though the songs about hanging oneself and NO, I was never suicidal! It's just a damn song)... 'Breathing' also comes across as a 'Blind Melon'-ish like song. As I was influenced by both bands around the same time. We dropped 'Breathing' out of our setlist because the crowds we played before after reuniting probably wouldn't have dug the mellow sounds of 'Breathing'. Back in the day, it was far easier to get away with, as there were so many alternative bands. Maybe some day we'll play it as a special.. Who knows. I did have it up on Reverbnation, but I took it down from there as well.

To pick a favorite Mr. Bungle song, is hard, there's so many and for so many different reasons..... But let's start with 'Quote Unquote' from their obviously self-titled release in 1991

'Quote Unquote' has lyrics about a few things, but mainly is seemingly about John Travolta....
There's even a nod to 'Trump' in the song... LONG, way long before Trump ran for El Presidente;
"With his mouth sewn shut, he still shakes his butt
Cuz he's Hitler & Swayze & Trump & Travolta"

Next up, let's dive into 'Carousel' mainly because it is 'circus' related and I'm a big evil clown fan.. mostly because clowns freak people out, which like vomiting, I find hilarious... Now if you had a clown throwing up, I'd be in stitches for months.

'Dead Goon' - Is a great another great example of the variety that is contained within Mr. Bungle and also it's amazing writing capabilities, dedication to the bizarre and surreal

Albeit, there were demos and 'E.P.'s' released before the 'self-titled' Mr. Bungle album, the quality of them ain't altogether awesome.
After the self-titled debut, with which the band was signed to Warner Brother's records, which who knows, had Patton, not joined up with Faith No More, the record deal for Bungle may never have happened, but i'm not altogether fully in the know on that, so who knows.... I had seen an interview with Patton where he said that records from Mr. Bungle couldn't exist without a major label, mostly because that band NEEDS a big cash injection for it to record and tour.

The next release by Bungle was 'Disco Volante' released in 1995 - So, not that the self-titled album was "accessible",  but 'Disco Volante' was more... experimental, if that can happen. The songs on 'Disco' are less cohesive than the self-titled release... At least I think so.
This album also contained a warning. It has recorded sound frequencies that apparently can be damaging to hearing and some kinds of stereo systems... I never suffered any damage, but I did notice that the album has some manipulation of it's volumes. So, part of the album you'd have cranked to 10, then suddenly you'd have to turn it down and then up, they were totally fucking with the listeners, which is just completely something the band would do with intent.

How about 'Desert Search For Techno Allah ' whcih has a lot of variation and styles of music in it.

And also from 'Disco Volante' I'll give you 'Merry-Go-Bye Bye'. Love this song. With this album and the self-titled album, the last songs were two of my favorites.

There is a track on 'Disco' called 'The bends' and is actually divided into 10 other song 'parts'. These guys are masters of sound and design, they also had on this album and the one before help from John Zorn, who's an eclectic, acid-fusion-Jazz instrumentalist and producer.
And not only the music, but in particular Mike Paton's vocalizations are what draws me to Mr. Bungle. Like I said previously, Patton showed me and many others that the huemahn voice can be just in every way an instrument as a guitar, drum or violin.
Mike Patton released in 1996 'Adult Themes For Voice' which is an multi track album that contains no instruments but his voice. Recorded in hotel rooms and on the tour buses during FNM and Bungle tours, 'Adult Themes For Voice' will not be everyone's cup 'O tea.....

Perhaps the album with the most cohesive material on it is 'California'.. Released in 1999 this would be the bands final album. IF you have listened to the above tracks the full way through, without stabbing your ear drums with a pen, then when listening to the tracks from 'California', you'll notice they are more... erm, accessible, more bearable and digestible (not that I find any of Bungles' albums inaccessible, unbearable or indigestible .... All the albums are my favorites, and I believe that each one grew and never regressed. It was sad to hear the band was ... No More... But I think the size of the band just wasn't cost effective. To pull off a lot of the material they needed practically an orchestra on stage.

The band didn't cut a lot of music videos, and it was many years later, that like 'Ghost' and their cover of 'Here Comes The Sun', that some fans cut a video for the song 'Retrovertigo'... It's such an awesome video and has as it's 'star' Ben Woolf, who, if you watched American Horror Story, played 'Meep' in the Freakshow season. Sadly, Ben was killed when crossing the street by a car. I must have watched this video near a hundred times or more now....

I'm not sure why, but on the album, 'Merry Go Bye-Bye' is just over 12 minutes in length, but online the videos are just over and under 6/7minutes. Though I did find this 'extended' version at 10 minutes

I hope you all enjoyed this look at one of my most favorite bands ever. Mr. Bungle. Maybe someday they'll reunite like Faith No More did... But I wouldn't hold my breath...

Extra bonus video: 'Lunchroom Manners' a film for school children about 'good manners and behavior' released in the 1960's and later played by Pee Wee Herman on his tours during the 1980's

I dunno, after that video, I think I'm more like Mr. Bungle than 'Phil'.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

An Important Message To You Readers

I didn't say who the message was from

And This Happened....

(Had sat down to write about some of my favorite Metal bands, but got sidetracked by myself and now my back is bothering me too much to write anymore... So, it'll come later...)

Hola! ¿Cómo Estás?? Was a grandiose beautiful day today. By Noon it was already near 18°C! So I packed up some things, drink, book, smokables and went off on my way. After a good trail walk I made tracks for downtown. Stopped in KP, got me a Pepsi (it's the choice of the 'new generation' ya know - That's like an '80's Pepsi adline...) Then went to look for a bench to sit on. The river was pretty windy, so I found a big concrete block just about on the corner of Queen and Carleton Streets.
Managed to scramble up on said concrete block and pulled out my book, 'Forgotten Civilization - The Role Of Solar Outbursts In Our Past And Future' By Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D.
So there I be, sitting in the Sun, when all a sudden, I hear this woman yelling, "No Debt, No I.D. Get FREE money, RBC!!".... She's standing on the corner across the street on the corner of Carleton and Queen and is repeating this rant over and over... There was a brief pause of about 2 minutes, then she continued... Most people seem to ignore her, then, she picks up some shit on the ground and walks off... About 5 minutes after she heads off, there's 2 marked and 1 unmarked police cars that pull up, lights a blazin', not sirens... I was thinking, 'Shit, they are probably going to come at me, seeing as I'm 'on the corner' but obviously not a woman... Or who knows, from a distance where they were, I guess I coulda been anyone. But, they didn't come question me.

This reminds of me of a story, when I fist moved back to Fredericton in 2012, I decided to go for a walk, I think it was my second day in town. Sue Lawrence is a friend from back in the day and from visiting a year earlier I knew where her shop was on Queen. So, I decided I'd see Sue and get a trim of me long hairs. I went to her shop and since I was a 'walk-in', I was told it would be about an hour before someone could see me. Though Sue and I did have a good chat.
Then I left to kill time for an hour... I went over to 'Things' on Regent to check out what they had in and to talk to the owner, to see what she felt about the idea of setting up a dispensary here in town. I was a member of one in Vancouver and though expensive, they are handy for edibles (that was until I met the guy who supplied the 'edibles' for most of the shops in the Lower Mainland area).
So I'm in 'Things', yakkin' away and I sez to the lady, 'So, do you ever get harassed by the cops or anything because of what you sell here?' And she sez, 'Naww, I've been around a long time (she used to have a shop in what USED to be the Fredericton Mall), and they never even come in here". We talk about her feelings on a dispensary and like most people I had spoke to about it, she thought it was a great idea, but was unsure if the Power's That Be in Fredericton would be into it. So, finishing our convo, I began to head toward the exit. It was at this time that the door opens and not one, not two, not three, but 5 Fredericton police officers come marching in and walk past me, each looking at me, one remains at the door and when I get to it, he says, "You! hold on a minute" and then proceeds to ask a zillion billion questions.. "Who are you? Where'd you come from? How long have you been here? What do you get when you cross a chicken with a monkey? Have you ever been to sea Billy?"
I don't have any NB ID's because I had just arrived back a day ago, so he seemed satisfied with my answers and let's me go.
I kick around downtown some more and then go back to Sue's. She's not all that happy about the story I tell her. I hardly ever get approached by the cops and have done nothing wrong, so I don't care.

After gettin' my hair done, I decide to go back over to 'Things' to see if the coppers had said anything to the owner after I left. I mean, they must have come in there for some reason. Odd enough was that she had just said they never come in and then did....

So, back at 'Things', as I'm walking towards the owner, I sez, 'What in the name of Jebiz Crispy was that about?' She's laughing and said that the cops said that they followed me in because someone had told them I had just entered her store. But why? Why me? It would seem and this is what they told the 'Things' owner, that a man, with a cane, long dark hair and a beard..... Had been down on the Green (our area by the Saint John river), scaring mother's and their children, this man  had been wearing some sort of mask.... Now, I've done some weird things in my life, but NONE of them involve stalking mother's and their kids in public areas while wearing a mask.
So someone had called Fredericton's 'finest' and they had been searching for this man, which I had fit most of the description, apparently had I been a little heavier set, I woulda been in cuffs... Though I had no mask... Just the normal ugly face I carry 'round with me every day.
I heard later on when I had got in a taxi that the police had alerted the cab companies to be on the lookout for this creep with a mask and later on, in front of King's Place the creeper got in a cab and went to the Northside, the taxi somehow alerted dispatch of his passenger and the cops followed then pounced on him. That was my second day in town haha, fine welcome...

Today I did run into Ms. Margo McKenzie and then later on good pal and up and coming Blues sensation Richie Young. Oh Shit! I did run into Joe Blades! Hadn't seen Joe in ages. If ya don't know Joe Blades, ya don't know no one! Joe's one of CHSR-FM's longest running members (albeit he admitted to me, like myself, he'd not been at CHSR in about a year). Joe does a lot of work for the University Unions, he might even be head of one, not too sure on that one. But Joe also does work for concerts and stuff. One of my favorite local peeps, but I don't run into him a lot, especially lately because he's been so busy.

Just before running into Richie, The 'lady' who had been yelling about RBC, seemed to have met up with the police. As Richie and I spoke, we could see down Queen street and it looked like the cops had someone around York and Queen.

My back's now bothering me too much for writing anymore, so I'll do my favorite Metal bands blog later sometime...
Here's some 'classic Misfits'.....
The Misfits

Teenagers From Mars

We land in barren fields
On the Arizona plains
The insemination of little girls
In the middle of wet dreams
We are the angel mutants
The streets for us seduction
Our cause unjust and ancient
In this "B" film born invasion

Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care

Well, we've seen your 3-D movies
In violent abduction
We blast your mindless structure
Inferior connection
We take your weak resistance
Throw it in your face
We need no introduction
For mass annihilation

Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care

We need no introduction
No visas or carte blanche
Inhuman reproduction
We're here for what we want

We want, we need it, we'll take it
We want, we need it, we'll take it
We want, we need it, we'll take it
We want, we need it, we'll take it, baby

Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care

Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care
Teenagers from Mars and we don't care

And we don't care
And we don't care, we don't care
We don't care, but we don't care
But we don't care
And we don't care

Get The Shot

Blackened Sun
of this life in the pits of hell 
No light to chase and no god to praise 
A cycle of pain to suffer in disgrace 

Life is prison when you’re losing hope 
And you’re the falling weight no one dares to hold 
In this world I found nothing but lies 
Born a blackened sun and never meant to shine 

Now I’m going nowhere fast 

Nothing to gain 
Hatred prevails 

There ain’t no peace alone 
When you’re caught with the rope around your throat 
Agony is pulling and pulling me down 
How deep can I go in this blood soiled ground 

Born in affliction, seek no redemption 
Broken inside without a CHANCE TO RISE 
Stepped in the fire, left aside and abandonned 
Unleash the lions, I guess I’m ready to die 

Trapped in a cage where no one survives 
Piling the bodies till I lose my mind 
Misery loves me in my desperate times and still 
I’m going nowhere fast 

Nothing to gain 
Hatred prevails 

CAN’T STOP, can’t stop the pain 
It doesn’t even matter if you fight or you quit 
Can’t stop the pain 

All what we love ends buried and lifeless…

Monday, April 23, 2018

"Finally There's Someone To Believe"

ha! This cat, so weird... Why sleep like this? She usually crawls under my sheets to 'hide from the light'...

Ohhhh right! I knew there was something I was going to write about... Elsa! LOL... That dang cat. Last night we were playing before bed (or she'll lay a beat down on me). So I got these stairs that go to my basement, but there's no door, so I got a sheet up over it and Elsa likes to hide behind the sheet and play... So, I was holding the sheet around the corner of the entry way to the basement, so she couldn't get out. I started to blow on the sheet, causing a 'wave' to ripple through it, I was thinking she'd start lashing out at the sheet where it was rippling... So I'm blowing at the sheet, ripple, ripple... nothing... blow at the sheet, ripple, ripple... and then, *WAP*, right to my head from through the sheet ... I near fell over laughing. She seems to see behind some of my 'tricks'sometimes. I wasn't prepared for her to figure that out at all. Wish I could video that shit, but it's too spontaneous... Anyhow, another Elsa story for the books

K, really, what kind of society do we live in when we're supposed to give a rats ass about a baby being born to some "royals"? Really now... IF, Prince Jerkface and his woman were butt ugly, you think anyone would care? Nuh uh. So ridiculous. No wonder the World's going to Hell in a handbasket.

Woke up today to see the girls had once again returned and.... Garbage is gone! Yay! Was so glad about that... I like critters, but once they'd supped upon that garbage, I was thinking after it ran out they'd get some iron bars and break into my place and eat me or that cat.... Ya never know with inner city critters, they can be pretty bright...

Went on a nice walk today, video audio is a bit fucked from the wind... Need some kinda windsock for the phone. I mean, it was windy, but not THAT windy.

And now, "Finally There's Someone To Believe".....
Someone to Believe
Bad Religion
Dark, frozen, hibernation held at bay 
As your mind, left behind, lost another day
But finally there's someone to believe

Anti-social boredom is all the rage 
But the time comes when you gotta turn the page 
And then finally there's someone to believe
And now you walk with confidence and ease
And there's no call to sell your soul 
Or confess or drop down to your knees

Who, what, or where made you change your mind? 
Doesn't matter anymore 'cause you've seen a sign
And now finally there's someone to believe

Searching for the answer's a lonely quest 
But the act is liable to bring out your best
And then finally there's someone to believe
And now you have a purpose to proceed
And you find out the baggage that you discarded, 
You didn't even need

No one can deny a return to form 
Irrespective of the morass, shame, and scorn
But then finally there's someone to believe
Ready to emerge and direct your fate 
As the self-determination radiates 
Because finally there's someone to believe
And now you walk with confidence and ease
And it feels like the spring equinox after a long winter's sleep

Finally, there's someone to believe

Sunday, April 22, 2018

And D'ats What I Calls a Spring Day!

Beautiful, truly a Spring day today. Temp right now is 11°C, that is according to the Weather Network, so it could really be warmer. Supposed to be about 10°C all week for daytime highs...WHOA! OOps, screwed that up! It's supposed to be ABOVE 10°C all week for daytime highs!

Got up at a decent time. Did some yard work, despite my body telling me not to, but sometimes you just have to not listen to your brain and body, though I suspect in a few hours I'll be paying for it.

After the yard work, I punished myself further with a walk. 'Bad Religion' blasting in my ears drove me on. Was nice to see a lot of people out. Sometimes I'm out walking and I don't see a soul for just about the entire walk and it's not because I'm out when people are working or they are just getting home, guess they just got other things to do than enjoy fresh air and beautiful weather.

Had a great visit with my Father and his girlfriend. We all went over to Scott and Andrea's for some really great Chinese food last night. This will probably have been Dad's 'visit' for the Spring, although I could see him coming back down to help Gordy launch the sailboat and get it season ready.
Again, it was really great for them to come down for the screening on Friday. 

The girls next door all moved out and when they did, they left a ton of garbage bags by their door. I've seen just about every creature Fredericton has diggin' away at it, dragging it all over their property and partially spilling on to ours. 
I thought they'd gone for good, I had seen some older folks around the property over the last week or so and whoever that was, I guess went into the 'garage/barn'.... 
All of a sudden yesterday, a few of the girls were back and they 'cleaned out' the 'garage/barn'... Now there's two tons of garbage out there.... Check this out. It's REALLY lovely to look out my big picture window at... I hope they leave it there all Spring and Summer! *note the sarcasm dripping from the text...
This photo does not include the 5-6 bags of garbage by their door...
Ain't that lovely? Fuckin' kids.....

If it ain't gone tomorrow, city's getting called, Oh yeah, that's right, I'm the 'grumpy ol' man'... And you kids.......

And just for shit's and giggles:

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Capital Screening

That was a great evening! My Father and his partner got in to town and then we met up with my older Brother Scott and my sister-inlaw Andrea at the James Joyce Pub before the screening for supper and drinks.
I ran into Tim Rayne there and he came over and I introduced him to the family.

When my Dad and Riet picked me up, in the tradition of screenings, Riet brought me in a big vase of roses... Which I had to put in the bathroom because Elsa was already getting ready to make a salad out of them.

Then we popped over to the playhouse. I ran into Ciaron, Grant and Margo and then once inside, there was our drummer Glen, I didn't think any of the guys were coming to the screening. Didn't get much of a chance to talk to many people as we went up to our seats.
Photo by: Scott Waddell

I had a nice little segment in the screening, talking about my return to the city from Vancouver and just about how amazing the local music scene is and then towards the end of the documentary while showing clips of many of the bands who will be in the webseries, there was a short clip of The Wasteland Zombies playing.
My family really enjoyed the documentary, they found it very educational and inspiring. From the last edit I saw, the film had really come together and glowed with talent. Tim and everyone at Raynemaker did an amazing job.

I'll of course keep ya'll posted for dates in the Fall when the Capital Project webseries starts. Remember, like Tim said, "This was just the first 2 hours our of 10 hours of footage!"

So much thanks to Tim and the crew for everything! Everyone did such a great job representing our scene!

Happy 4/20!

Well dawggonit! A new 'Sleep' album comes out today! Had NO idea!

You can check it out on the evil Spotify:

It'a mindbeningly wicked!

Finally get to see my 'doctor'...erm 'nurse practitioner' today... Dad and Riet get into town and tonight is the Capital Project screening! Just hope my back cooperates!

AND! It's '4/20'! So, be cool about it. Don't be blowing smoke in people's faces. Just celebrate among your friends and family.
And we'll see you tonight, at the playhouse!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Splatter Rock - The Cross-over Years

In around 1985/'86 my Dad lived on Victoria street in Fredericton, right around the corner on Northumberland Street was the Oliver's place - Nick, Joe and Mr. Oliver.
Our families had known each other for years, but the last time I had seen Nick Oliver was at a sailing regatta in Saint John when we were both pretty young...
On my way home from George Street jr. High School, I'd occasionally see a bunch of Punk ruffians coming in and out of Nick's place and also every so often I'd hear this raging crazy 'Rock' music coming from the house. A few times, I'd seen this grumpy looking red headed dude in a leather jacket and we'd kinda just nod to each other...
I can't really recall how I ended up getting introduced to everyone, but soon I had met Grant Forsythe (The red headed 'grumpy dude'), of course I knew Nick, Darren Green was on Bass, Tim Gorman and Bill Brown were playing guitar for the Fredericton cross-over Punk Rock Kings, 'Neighbourhood Watch' and even though they weren't playing 'Metal', the music they were playing wasn't anything like the 'Punk' I knew, it wasn't the Clash, it wasn't the Sex Pistols, it was by far much much heavier and aggressive.
At this time, I was big into Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, SLAYER, Venom, Raven and my first band 'K.G. Wolfe' had been formed and we were playing some originals and some covers and to be honest with you all here and I wasn't no 'band Nazi', I didn't try to control everything, so I had no say in what other band members were into and at that age what they knew how to play. So yes, in early K.G. Wolfe days, we did play... god damn it... 'Poison'...BUT, looking back at my folder of K.G.Wolfe songs, 'Talk Dirty To Me' was the ONLY 'glam song we played... and you can know and bet I wasn't happy about it...

One of the highlights of my youth was getting to hang out at Neighbourhood Watch rehearsals, being introduced to this crew and in particular, Grant Forsythe. I've said it before in posts that Grant more or less took me under his wing, lol he 'groomed' me haha... But it was a great grooming... Not that I had much interest in the "Glam Rock" movement of that period, I didn't like to hear bands singing about chicks and fast cars and that kinda crap with their make up and poofy hair. In Metal, I had gone after HEAVIER bands, evil bands, violent bands aggressive bands... I wanted the Heaviness, not some crap music about how many gals some asshole banged....
Grant and I became good friends, I think I hung out at Grant's place on Aberdeen every day after school and on weekends, in fact I think I did more drinking in my mid teens than I did once I was legal drinking age.
Grant would teach me in the ways of 'Hardcore' Punk Rock. At the time Grant had been in touch with bands all over the World. I remember him getting the first Sepultura albums, he was trading music from behind the 'Iron Curtain'... So he had amazing music coming in from virtually everywhere. At this 'era' there was a 'cross-over' of Metal and Punk, this became known as, 'Cross-over', it bled out through the fact that Punk Rock had evolved and branched out in different ways. This 'new' style of Punk was called 'Hardcore' (essentially created by Washington D.C.'s The Bad Brains).
So, some of my favorite bands that Grant bred me to listen to were, The Accüsed - a Hardcore band from Seattle (long before the whole Grunge thing exploded). These guys played a kinda of music they dubbed 'Splatter Rock'... NOT like the Misfits, these guys had a sound all their own (not that the Misfits don't, but I just don't want people to think that the Misfits and The Accüsed had anything in common).
The singer from The Accüsed blew my fuckin mind. I'd never heard a vocalist like this, I'd been reared on vocals like Bruce Dickinson's from Iron Maiden and sure some heavier vocals like Hetfield from Metallica, Cronos from Venom and Blackie Lawless from WASP, but Blaine 'Farts' vocals just completely busted down my notion of vocals.
Check out some Accüsed:

The Accüsed again, kinda like the Misfits had a 'mascot', her name is 'Martha Splatterhead' and a theme of her murderous conquests ran through many Accüsed albums. I sadly never got to see the Accüsed when I lived out in Vancouver. But did end up in contact with Tommy Niemeyer, one of the bands founders back in the 'MySpace' days, Tommy had sent me some of his artwork when I had ordered their latest album at that time, but sadly Elsa shredded the fuck outa that poster... Damn cat, she's got no respect for my stuff!

Another band that Grant got me into was D.R.I. or Dirty Rotten Imbeciles - Who hailed from Texas. Another amazing 'cross-over' band, the speed and again crazy vocals (though no one was ever as crazy sounding as Blaine from The Accüsed). It seemed a lot of these 'Cross-over' vocalists all had pretty unique vocal styles that set them apart from other bands of their genre, but also apart from any Metal vocalists of the period as well.

I had almost totally forgot about The Crumbsuckers! Yeah, there's a band name for ya eh? The Crumbsuckers were from New York State. The amazing thing about this 'Cross-Over' era was that a lot of the bands were certainly unique in their sound. You could certainly tell an Accüsed song from a D.R.I. song... The Crumbsuckers had a great sound, it was super tight, intricate and their album production was actually pretty rock solid for being a 'Hardcore' band. But the scene was catching on and there were a lot of labels and distributors that were helping to bank roll decent recordings.

I could write almost a whole book on The Dayglo Abortions (haling from Vancouver/Victoria B.C.), at one time undisputed as Canada's nastiest and most controversial band.
While on the 'Here Today Guano Tomorrow' tour, the band's *cough* 'Tour Bus" insurance ran out  right here in Freddy Beach and being 1987 there was no email or any way to get the insurance papers across Canada aside from snail mail, so after an absolutely AMAZING show at the Fredericton Exhibition Grounds (promoted by Peter Rowan and his Dress To Kill records), we got to hang out with the Dayglo's for pretty much an entire week. - The "tour bus" was a short school bus... with no toilet.. They usually pissed in the sink or in bottles.... Don't ask me where they shit... I didn't ask or  wanna know...
It was a hilarious great time. We took the guys to art gallery and some other touristy places, the band partied hard and there's stories for another time and place...
But the Dayglo's were another band that Grant got me into. When I moved to Vancouver in 1989, I actually ended up being spotted by then Dayglo's drummer 'Jesus Bonehead' at Kit's beach. I was wearing a 'SCUM' t-shirt ( Another great Canadian Punk band from Montreal), so we hooked up when I got to Victoria a few months later and though I stayed one night, I ended up choosing to sleep in my buddies car over sleeping at the Dayglo's band house, it was just a little too crazy for me.

The great effect that Grant had on influencing my then fresh young mind, with this amazing 'new' genre of music was profound, and hanging out with the band and Grant as a friend did have an adverse effect. My 'Metalhead' friends started to come down on me for hanging with the "freaks" and "Skaters"... Which was hilarious because I'd tell them... 'Umm... So you know that Metallica are skaters right? (James Hetfield had to sign a contract barring him from Skateboarding before and during tours), Anthrax were skaters..... But I still got lots of flak for hanging with them. I dunno, the 'freaks' were a helluva lot cooler than the 'Metalheads'. I loved their music, they partied just as hard if not harder and they supported me and brought me in as one of their own. They certainly didn't seem to have any issue with me being around.

it was about 1987,'88 Rob Melvin, the bassist of Neighbourhood Watch, was canned from the band and while at a party over on University avenue, Rob and I got talking and he said he'd love to sit down and write some music with me for K.G. Wolfe, funny enough, up until that point, K.G, Wolfe had never had a bass player, and we had been playing shows.
This was a major turning point for my first band. Up until then, we'd just been writing pretty basic Heavy Metal originals. Looking at the file, we actually had 7 originals, which wasn't bad for a bunch of 14/15 year olds. But once Rob and I got together the whole dynamic changed. Rob of course brought the 'cross-over' sound to the band. The biggest change occurred with Bryce McKellen joining up with K.G, Wolfe. We might have been Fredericton's first and only 'Cross-over' Metal band.
This K.G. Wolfe song is circa '88/'89

Who knows what K.G. Wolfe would have sounded like if I had not met up with Grant and the Neighbourhood Watch crew. I know I'm forever grateful to Grant for his stewardship and guidance into a genre of music I had no real idea existed. I had heard and been exposed to bits of Hardcore through listening to Nick Oliver's 'Punk Rock' radio show 'Institutionalized' on CHSR-FM, but again, Grant was the one who really introduced me to so many amazing bands.

Another awesome band, with an awesome band name was 'RKL', AKA 'Rich Kids On LSD' - When you listen to these bands, like The Crumbsuckers, RKL, the Dayglo's, there's no denying the 'Metal' edge, the riffs are undeniably Metal, but the lyrics and attitude is undeniably Punk. Just listen to the 'riffage' in 'We're Back We're Pissed' by RKL

A few other bands I'd recommend people check out:
Battalion Of Saints, Excel, S.O.D., Bad Brains, Minor Threat and of course The Misfits (early stuff), Agnostic Front, Sick of It All, Nuclear Assault, Dead Brain Cells, The Crucifucks.

I hope you enjoyed another one of my trips down 'memory lane'... I'm working on another blog which will dive into the 'Metal' years of my life. As I've written about my Pop, Rock and now 'Punk' influences. I hope it reflects my open mind towards many genres of music. It's something I've always taken pride in about myself and though I've never 'written' music myself, I have of course written many and all the lyrics for every band I've been in. It might piss some people off, but I don't think one can be a proper musician if they have a closed mind. So many times throughout life I've heard people (some 'musicians)' say that this genre "sucks" or that genre is "crap". I just cannot agree with statements like that. I don't like Reggae or Ska, but I don't say it sucks or it's crap. I just prefer not to listen to it.. Unless I'm in the car with Ciaron, then I have no choice lol... And as I've said numerous times, 'Heaviness exists in every genre of music', it's not just cranked Marshall amps and distortion that makes music 'Heavy'....