Monday, July 30, 2018

War Of The Religious Cults!

While out for my walk this evening, As I approached the gallery on the Green, I usually cross at the cross-walk on Queen just before the 'Haunted Hike' office.... I noticed two ladies crossing the street. by their long hair and skirts I assumed that they were pentecostals, but I saw them approach a random dude and begin conversation with him... The freaking 'morons'.. I mean mormons!! Only they'd approach random people for conversations in public.. I mean, sure people say a polite "Hello" or "great evening!" Or "What the fuck are you looking at???"....
I made it clear by throwing them two young ladies the 'devil horns' that I was in no mood for chat about what the mythical 'lord' can do for me...

Then as I approached the cross-walk, the man and woman who have been haunting the Green, the jehovah witness couple were coming right at me, I slipped off a headphone and said to them as I walked by, 'Looks like you'll be working with the mormons tonight!'... To which the man gave a scowl at me and the woman actually burst out laughing... I almost wanted to stick around to see if they'd get into a fight, a real physical altercation! Fists flyin' for jesus! Freakin idiots...

It's because of religions like these cults and the 'Mother's' of all cults, christianity and the other two... that wars have broke out for millennia.....  People in these cults argue that without their belief systems there's no reason for morality, which is about the most stupid argument out there... You're even more pathetic if you can't discern wrong from right....

There's another 'heat wave' going on. With a brief respite over the weekend, the temps in the next few days, today included will and have hit into the high '30's. with the humidity. So drink loads of water, not beer or juice, coffee or tea... Water or if you're a bit dehydrated a sport drink, and I'm not saying 'energy drink'.. I'm talking about just water with some flavor and minerals in it. Stay hydrated!
And if ya can't stand the heat... Get out of the Sun!

It is noticeable over past Summers that it is getting hotter for longer and more frequently. We used to just have a few steamy hot days in July, a few in August.. The past is done and change is here... The Earth, with the help of us huemahns are punishing us and I think it looks good on us. Massive fires, flooding, quakes, typhoons.... We're all a part of it, it's our bed and we'll have to sleep in it...

Good job huemahnity....

We're on 'The Brink of Extinction'

On The Brink Of Extinction
Napalm Death

Born between chaos and hatred - a lottery of fate
We sit on the brink of extinction
The world lies in wait
Just a scratch on the surface
Of time that will wash away
We delude ourselves with the notion
That we are here to stay

As life starts to shrink
An impending state of neurosis
Will we awake from this negligent narcosis?

On the brink, the brink of extinction
We're on the brink, the brink of extinction

Locked together in a mindless campaign
It's only now we see
Appreciation is the one redemption
For all that lives and breathes
Like a virus it's conscious - impure
We have farmed disease
It's time now to step back
And find an inner peace

As life starts to shrink
An impending state of neurosis
Will we awake from this negligent narcosis?

Composition by Shane Embury Barney Greenway 2009

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