Sunday, July 8, 2018

Atlantic Canuckians Prepare! Cyclone 'Chris' MAY Strike!

Much thanks to John 'Octavius' for the heads up!

I had seen that tropical storm 'Beryl' was heading for the Gulf, but had not seen the latest reports.

From the good folks at Environment Canada:
"Posted 7 hours ago
For Tropical Storm Chris.

Tropical Storm Chris has formed off the Carolina coast this morning. Over the next few days this storm is expected to remain somewhat stationary and become better organized. By Tuesday it is forecast to move in a northeastward direction gaining strength as it does so. By late Tuesday or early Wednesday this storm could attain hurricane status. At this time it appears this storm could approach Nova Scotia by Thursday, likely weakening slightly as it does so. It has to be noted that there is a good deal of uncertainty at this time in the forecast track and intensity of this system. The Canadian Hurricane Center has been closely monitoring this developing storm for a few days and will continue to do so. If the current forecast track remains as is, it is likely that regularly issued bulletins will begin on this system early Tuesday morning."

This shows Nova Scotia in THIS track, but remember, hurricane and tropical storms/cyclones are not on a written path, it can deviate any way at anytime. 'Arthur' wasn't at first on a dead course to smack Fredericton, but at the last couple of days/hours abruptly did a change and bitch smacked us hard!
So other tracks are showing that the South of NB may be hit and even if not in the 'cone' the winds, which at points could be around 110

So be a good Cub Scout! Be prepared! Make sure ya got emergency supplies to last you well over 3/4 days for you, your family and pets.
Remember Hurricane Arthur! Think about how many days people were out of power and utilities!

Have flashlights, battery powered lamps, extra batteries of all sizes, lanterns, blankets, a robust First Aid Kit. Food, water - At least a gallon per person per day (3 Litres), water purification tablets, some cash (as ATM's and banks could be down or closed)... An ax (in case you have to chop your way out of your house (People in Katrina had to climb into their attics to escape rising water and then died because they couldn't get out). If you can afford it, get a generator. Some are small enough to just power stuff like the radio, cell and laptop chargers... Obviously, don't run a gas powered genie in your home, but make sure it's in a well ventilated area away from air intake vents to your home.

Also, have tools available to turn off gas, fix broken things, duct tape, garbage bags, face masks to filter out any dust or airborne debris.

Also be sure to have an ample supply of chickens

And of course a back up supply of baby goats!

And remember, when in doubt, get the fuck out!

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