Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tree Rat!

Fuckin' tree rat, the nerve of the little shit.

This little jerk has been around since the Spring. It's obviously not had much interaction with huemahns as it isn't timid at all. After I got the bird feeder up, once the weather was nicer, this twerp was taking food. Now, some might question why I care that a squirrel is taking food when chipmunks are of the same fam. But tree rats are just dirty thieves, while chipmunks are a wild equivalent to a hamster (obviously a rodent as well). The bird feeder is for birds and only a few use it. Like the chipmunks, the squirrels will suck that feeder dry. So having two rodents at it isn't my intent. If I wanted to feed the damn tree rats I'd go to a park with a bag of peanuts.

So, encounters with jerkface the wonder squirrel have led to me throwing pinecones at it, to which this dumb ass just looks at me then chases after the pinecone..It's too stupid to know I'm not playing fetch, I'm trying to hit the damn thing.
So I walk around the corner this evening and there it is, at the bird feeder, so I begin to berate it and it slowly hops off but is still waiting and thinking about just coming back once I'm gone. So, I pick up some pinecones and start to throw it at it... Now a pinecone is gonna hurt it about as much as shooting it with a NERF™ dart... Plus I never seem to hit the fucker!
So I begin to chase it off and it heads to the few trees in our backyard, it's doing some great parkour moves, bouncing from one tree to the next. It climbs up only a short way and then turns to eyeball me.
I grab some more pinecones, cursing as I throw them, still never hitting it. Then as I'm getting ready to pack it in, it moves to a higher dead branch (wish it would have snapped, but that never happens either) and turns and looks at me and starts making it's 'kucking' sound, a rapid noise I'm sure everyone's familiar with AND it's whipping it's tail about, sounding the alarm that I'm some kind of threat! Pfft. Just leave the bird feeder alone and I won't be a "threat".. Jerkface....

When I was out for a walk the other day, like last week, afterwards when I did a post, I was thinking, 'Man there's something from my walk I wanted to write about', but for whatever reason it wasn't coming too me.
Then it hit me the other night, hehe, so I'm writing about it tonight, while I'm 'ranting' about things...

So, I'm out for a nice walk, got my tunes blasting. I was walking along the section of the green, heading towards the art gallery.. Along and just off the paved trail there's a man and a woman and I can see there's some sort of signage or some kind of stand by them. I can also see them looking directly at me, then looking away, then back at me, repeat... As I get closer I'm thinking, 'Hmm, this religious folk?.... 'Hmm wonder if it's maybe some people talking to the local citizens about the proposed Officer square changes, but odd they are far from that park'... Then, just as I'm getting up to them, I see a bunch of pamphlets on the rack they've got beside them, possibly says something about 'trees'... So I'm thinking, well, maybe they are just educating people on these beautiful aged elm trees by the walkway, I mean, the Officer square trees they want to cut down are 100 year old elms.. But no, it's the fucking jehovah witness'.... I really despise them and the fuking mormons. You don't see the catholics or baptists or anglicans, buddhists, muslims or for that matter the wiccans or Satanists out there pimping their beliefs on people...
Now most of the time these people have nothing to say to me. They ain't looking to convert people who look like me, as they know there's a snowballs chance in hell that I'm going to 'convert'... The mormons are a little more bold, they'll try to convert a fucking German Shepard if they think they can get another soul to their list.
But the lady is 'kind' enough to say, "Beautiful evening out" to which I replied, "Yes, yes it is" ... It's always hindsight, but I mean to go back and take them to task on being there, are they allowed to stand there with this stupid rack of pamphlets and try to 'talk to people'.. I mean, you end up in every religion giving them money, so are they not 'selling' something? So do they have a business license? How would they feel if I stood there with some wiccan or Satanic material and asked people, 'Excuse me M'am, Sir, can I talk to you today about our Lord and Savior Satan? And what the Apocalypse can mean for you sinners...' I'd do this even though I subscribe to no religion...
Hope somebody was more on the ball to give 'em a piece of their mind.... I'm supposed to tell them that I'm 'Shunned' as we had past family members in that cult and apparently you're not supposed to talk to or associate with anyone who's not in that cult, even if it's family.
Maybe with any luck I'll meet up with them again sometime soon.

I'm very sorry to hear/see that the Penobstock Punk festival got axed. I'm not entirely too sure why, I'm hearing bit and pieces of info here and there, but nothing outright conclusive as to the reason.

I had not attended the festival myself, but I think it was in it's 4th or 5th year. An extremely agreeable cover, always awesome bands playing it, I should have gone.
It's just sad to see a festival like this get the ax, the Punk and Metal 'fest are rare enough and struggle in this East Coast music economy... It's hard enough to get to see shows let alone whole festivals and they are a great way for all these bands to not only market themselves to potentially new fans, but for the bands to meet each other, make connections and great friendships which can turn into gig swapping, we play your city, you play ours and get to help all the bands to further extend their music and fan base.
So, yeah, it's a real blow to the scene. Plus it takes away something for these Punks and Metalheads to do, so then they are just up to no good, instead of being up to no good in one spot over a weekend...

I was watching a Queen documentary earlier and it was during 'News of the World' tour, well then end part of the production of the album into the tour, They had done 'We Will Rock You' as an opener to their shows. They said that coming off the last tour that the audiences had begun to sing along with every song the band played. So they wanted to embrace this new level of fan appreciation by involving the crowd somehow and 'We Will Rock You' is what came about. But they felt it needed something else to go into live, so they opened with just Freddie and the drums, as the song does on the album, then into the guitar and bass, but when they 'finished' the song, they played it again, but did it faster. It sounded totally awesome and it made me think, 'damn it, wish I had seen/known about that in Dreamkick, because we used to play that song and it would have been cool to incorporate that into our set.
It's only happened rarely with The Wasteland Zombies, but happened a lot with Dreamkick where we had total crowd participation. It's an amazing feeling when the band is just smoking and the crowd is in the palm of your hand.
My favorite Dreamkick show we played was for the Westray's Miner benefit, after the horrible accident there in 1992. It was kinda a phenomenal day as we had got a spot opening for 'Frozen Ghost' formerly known as 'Sheriff'.
Poorly timed, the 'Sheriff' show was on the Canadian Forces Base Gagetown at the Maritime Club, a club we were not strangers to playing, but because of the benefit just down the road, which I think started at noon, well everyone was at the benefit. Though I'm guessing 'Sheriff' had tickets pre sold, but it wasn't many.
We played a great opening set and I remember it as having the BEST monitor mix we'd ever had (because they used and forced our guys to do a sidewash), so instead of the guys having their amps facing the crowd and our backs, blasting out into the audience, our guys' amps faced across the sides of the stage left and right. Really, for professional bands this is the way to go. Stage volume is sooo much better and can be controlled much easier as well.

Dreamkick had the honor to close out the benefit that was going on at Oromocto's 'The Oak Room', also a bar we were no strangers to. Most of the guys in Dreamkick were from Oromocto or the area, so it was a homebase of sorts and we had a lot of our core fans there.
By the time we got there... Well people had been there since noon drinking... By the time we took to the stage the placed was packed to the rafters and the crowd was thoroughly sauced. We also had a fair amount of time to catch up and most of the band was pretty lit too.
I recall fondly of that crazy crowd that night, I remember looking out across the room and it looked like on the Muppet show, whenever they showed the audience it would be like a chaos of weird creatures, people swinging from the ceiling and it looked like a zoo!

Damn it, was hoping to find an animated.gif of the Muppet show with them all going bananas... Oh well, it was mental

 It was pure drunken mayhem and we blasted through our set. probably one of our best shows we ever did.

Backs killin' me, I'm out.

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