Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Thunder & Lightning

Kapow!!! Crackle Crackle BOOM! Kashooooo !! Those are my 'thunder' noises, they are copyright, so you can't use them or I'll sue you into Australia!

Yes! Great thunder today, pretty much since around 1:45PM it's been storming... Albeit, the lightning's been kind a let down... Supposed to storm into the evening! Hopefully the lightning will pick up and kick some ass!

Got a surprise in the mail today! A t-shirt came from Halifax's 'Dazor'. I saw the band perform at last Summer's Maritime Metal & Hard Rock festival, they played in the Battle of the Bands, in which I was a judge. They were my favorite of all the bands that played. They were much different than a lot of the more Metal-esque bands that played in the battle. Like I told Ian (singer and guitarist for the band), 'Had I had it my way, the would have won last year, but NNOOooo they won THIS year instead!
Anyhoo! I am the first person to order a shirt from the Dazor site! So here's a weblink to their music and their band's website, go order some merch! These guys are fantastic. Much like Moncton's 'Melonvine', I find Dazor hearkens back to the days of 'Grunge', but it's not like they've set out intent to do so.
Here's the link!- - Links....
https://dazor.bandcamp.com/releases  - - https://www.dazormusic.com/

Check out their hit single 'Back To The Lounge'

I'm hoping the guys will get up to Fredericton sooner than later! So all may bask in their glorious music!

Go git yer 'Dazor' merch! Damnit!

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