Sunday, July 22, 2018

Be careful Of What You Wish For!

So, the little chipmunk has no fear. We had some more feeding encounters last evening before the lil one packed it in for the night. There's two little munks, one I've discovered isn't all that fond of me and although came quite close, had no interest in the peanuts and just took off around the front of the house.
The other bold one, today, I fed it a couple times, I'd give it one peanut, it would take it, then turn around and come back for another one, but I only had the one. So, I told it, 'That's it buddy, scurry off' and it's weird how it listens to me, my neighbors were both witness to this behavior this evening, which I'll get to... So, the little one goes away from me and I start to walk to my stairs and the little one, nut still in it's mouth... erm.... anyhow, goes right up my stairs... So I'm like, 'No no, get off there' and it 'listens' to me and goes off. I look out a little later and it's on my stoop and then goes off.

So this evening, my neighbors had a BBQ, which I always thank them profusely for, and I'm telling them about this more than brave little munk... All a sudden, the devil appears, coming right over to the picnic table and I'm like, 'No no, get out of here'... I didn't even raise my voice or make any sudden movements, but no sooner had I said it, the little bugger scoots off... My neighbor Haley said, "Jeez, it obeys you just like a little dog"....
It is a little odd, but the little rodent does seem to 'listen' to me.
Anyhow, I think it'll be smart enough to stay away from my door. Apparently the little rascals don't carry rabies or anything like that and it's 'bite' is just but a nip... It seems too young to get aggressive... But it is after all a wild rodent, so I'm trying to be as careful as I can.

I had forgot to mention that after months and months of referrals and waiting, I think it was Wednesday or maybe Thursday, just days after I saw my 'nurse/practitioner', my neighbor hands me a "confidential" letter from Doctor Eckers office. I actually have an appointment... In November lol... But at least I'll get to see a rheumatologist. Ecker and I didn't get off to a good start... He had pretty much thrown me out of his office my first visit and I marched right back in.

So I had seen him on and off for a few years, he actually did the last cortisone shots into my knees and ankles, which have lasted a good while.
I swear, in all my life of doctors, surgeons and specialists, I've never encountered a medical practitioner that has absolutely no bedside manner, doesn't seem to have an ounce of empathy. I've literally seen him tear a strip off his wife, whom I've guessed is his assistant for the sole reason that no one else will work with him or maybe he doesn't pay her.. Who knows, but he treats her like shit, much as he does his patients. I've never met another patient who's had anything good to say about him and even two doctor's I've spoken to about him have directly called him an "Asshole".... But it's my only choice other than going to SJ and that's gonna be costly.. I had thought maybe I could make it into a visit to see Gord and Crystal... But now I've got Ecker, so it's a moot point.

Hopefully this week I'll get my x-ray appointment and once i get to see Ecker, he'll get me on methotrexate and then the real 'fun' begins... Who knows, maybe I'll have a better reaction to it this time, mind you, any and every medication I've taken that's directly supposed to work at my arthritis has made me quite ill.. So it could turn out to be a really, really shitty Winter.

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