Saturday, July 21, 2018

I Saved The World Yesterday!

So, I'm walking out of Sobeys on Regent yesterday, and this SUV pulls across in front of me and as it's going by, I see some smoke and think, oh, it's just exhaust', but as I walk towards the sidewalk that leads out of the parking lot, I see more smoke and it's coming from the mulch they've put down in one of the vegetation beds, I go over and it looks like someone tossed a cigar into the mulch and well it's caused, like a peat fire, the mulch has caught fire and it's burning, smoldering, if you will and spreading, I try to put it out with my foot and as I over turn the mulch, more smoke pours out... So I turn and walk into the smoke shop (Ha! 'Smoke shop... Smoke...)... The lady there asks, "Can I help you" and I turn and point out the window and say, 'Well, you got a small fire in the parking lot' and she goes "Oh dear", picks up the phone and asks for someone.. So I just say, 'Well I saw that and it looks like it's getting bigger by the second'... It really probably couldn't have harmed much as it's got a concrete barrier around it... But who knows, maybe some kid or old person mighta tripped, fallen into and got lit on fire. Old people and children burn rather quickly... I mean, not that I know from experience or anything...

So, the lady in the smoke shop thanks me and I say, 'no problemO'... I shop at this Sobeys almost exclusively and like my neighbourhood I protect my area! I mean, if I hadn't done it somehow else would have... But that's how I 'saved the World' yesterday!

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