Thursday, July 12, 2018

Not Stupid Huemahn Tricks, Just Stupid Huemahns

See, it's stories like the following that leads me to spell 'huemahns' like I do, because I don't believe we deserve the moniker to be spelled right.

From the CBC:
Videos show girls handfeeding bears at Vancouver-area home

A bear conservationist says she is shocked by Instagram videos showing two Vancouver-area girls hand-feeding black bears through an open patio door.

In one of the videos, the two unidentified girls giggle when a bear cub swats at one of them after she gave it a cracker.

Another video shows a girl feeding a cub a cracker through the sliding door.

In a third, a man, who appears to be their father, feeds an adult-sized bear a full package of crackers through the same door.

A fourth shows a sow and cub in the family's backyard.

The videos appear to be posted by one of the girls on her Instagram account.

It's the sort of behaviour that Christine Miller of the North Shore Black Bear Society finds horrifying.

"I was really shocked when I saw that," said Miller.

The bears may have to be shot if they continue to be hand fed, Miller said. Feeding black bears gets them used to humans, and once they associate people and houses with food they can become dangerous, she said.

VIDEOBelcarra's White Pine Beach remains closed due to problem bear
Miller said while bear cubs may seem adorable, when they grow up into a 150-kilogram adult, even a playful swat is dangerous.

"Most people would be very uncomfortable with a bear approaching them. It could end up in human injury," she said.

Neither the family nor the province's Conservation Officer Service returned calls for comment."


Unbelievable stupid huemahn behavior... That a 'parent' would condone and lead this type of ridiculous stunt.
I bet this family LOVES animals. I bet they'd be super upset when they find out that bears on the North Shore are shot because they have been getting into yards and people's garbage.

I've been in the position of having been attacked by a rogue bear. The story is way back in my Blogs, but it happened in '95 when I was working up in Northern BC. We had a bear, because the people that had used the camp before us had been feeding the bears in the area. We were up in this place to close down a camp, used to help rehabilitate troubled youth.
The female bear and her young one, we of course stayed away from, but they had fed them so much that the Ma bear and her cub had set up camp in a tree right beside our main cabin.
After a few days we noticed in a field a male bear that was literally pacing back and forth.
One day after working we returned to find the BBQ was destroyed by the bear, then the next day, some workers heading to the base cabin to make lunch we utterly shocked when they approached the cabin to see the front door had been busted in and then the male bear came OUT through the kitchen window and ran off... That night, the male bear came back while we were sleeping and broke through a bedroom window beside the room we were all in and was trying to get into the cabin. Two of the guys that were with us that had licenses to use guns, fired off in the air to scare the bear off.
The next night the bear came back and broke out a car window, bit a chunk out of the drivers seat and gnawed on the steering wheel.
All this happened because these people thought it was a 'fun' idea to feed these bears. If we had not been more vigilante who knows what would have happened to us...

I just cannot believe the utter stupidity of people. There's NO justifying this, IF anything they were teaching their children horrible awful behavior. So, let's say. these girls and their dad were never attacked, but the girls attempted this with THEIR children later in life and they get attacked, chewed up and pooped out on the forest floor or better yet onto their very own yard. I bet they'd blame EVERYONE else aside from themselves for this.

On another note. Another CBC story from home today was about a disabled lady who's calling "discrimination" because a McDonalds told her that they'd no longer serve her going through the drive-thru on her motorized 4 wheel 'scooter', which is NOT a wheelchair and even if it was a wheelchair, you still cannot do this..
I guess this lady doesn't realized that this is more than likely an insurance issue. 'Drive-Thru's' are for motor vehicles and that encompasses motorcycles... But not wheelchairs or 4 wheel scooters.
IF, she doesn't feel that the public entry ways to the restaurant fit her needs, THAT might be "discrimination" and THAT's something you could take up with a lawyer or the restaurants main branch.
People are so entitled. It's all me me me me me. With not even a second of thought for the world (and their own and other's safety).....

End 'O Rant....

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