Monday, July 16, 2018


[Updated]: BRAND NEW 'Dischord' from Moncton! Prepare to have your face ripped off and your eyeballs plucked out!

jebiz crispy!So, I go see my 'doctor' today. It's the first time I've seen my original 'nurse practitioner' that I was assigned to over a year ago... The stand in was very nice.. to be honest I kinda had a crush on her (But with that whole Doc Hanson episode that happens, I felt there'd be no use on asking her out, as it's against the doctor "law")... Anyhoo! So, in April I had x-rays done on my back, so I hadn't heard anything back (ha!) about it so I asks my 'nurse/practitioner' if there's any notes. All seems 'well' with my back, some regular wear and tear, but the arthritis isn't eating away at it. A small curve to my lower lumbar... But nothing about the problem area. So I'm telling her that, something, has to be wrong, because, well right about now each day - 4/4:30pm- my back starts to really hurt, or more precisely, just adjacent to my spine, right between my spine and shoulder blade... My guess is that it has something to do with the ribs I broke in the '90's... So she says, well, that area wouldn't have been included in the x-ray..... And I was kinda like, 'well what the hell??' I showed her 'stand in' where the pain was, we spoke on two different visits about it, I showed her precisely where the pain was... But apparently I need an x-ray of my ribs... Not my 'back'/spine.... So, the wait for an appointment begins again.
My 'nurse/practitioner' was kinda blown away that we've sent in 4 referrals to Dr. Ekart in the last year and I've not heard a thing from them. I'm firmly convinced the guy wants nothing to do with me.. She said they'd put in another and if I had not heard from them in 3 months time, then we'd try to send me to Saint John, as there's no more rheumatologists in the area. The other one is all booked up. I REALLY don't want to have to travel down to SJ just for a doctors visit. That means taking the bus there and back which is like $60 bucks or something. Then once at the bus depot I'd have to figure out how to get to wherever the doctor is and considering the bus only leaves and comes back at certain times a day, I'd have to make sure I can make the appointment time and then get back to the bus in time... Fucking pain in the ass.
So this will be more months that I'm not on any arthritis medication... I suggested we try to get me into the dermatologist I was seeing as she wanted to put me on methotrexate way back.. But thought it was more in Dr. Eckarts court...

Ok, switchin' gears!

I signed up ages ago to get email notifications from Google on certain topics of interest I have. From Ion rocket engines to Gobekli Tepe. Lately there's been a lot of emails on the latter. Gobekli Tepe was recently added to the UNESCO world heritage list and while there's been basically 'tourist' type news, I had been at a loss to find out what was going on with the digs at the site.
When the original archaeologist Klaus Schmidt was alive, he updated the 'world' on a regular basis, but since his passing there'd been very little .
I got an email the other day, and it was talking about the UNESCO business but then also went into just a little bit of the digging news. More enclosures have been found, which isn't really 'news' as Schmidt had down ground penetrating radar and there's something like 6-8 soccer pitches more of enclosures

The above photo shows just some of the excavated enclosures. This article I read, and get this, said that excavations are anticipated to be on going for, hold on to your seats, another 150 YEARS! THAT's how huge this site is and again, for those who haven't read my posts on this absolutely stunning site, which has OBLITERATED our notions on "stone age/hunter gatherer" time periods, when huemahns had not even begun to make iron or copper tools, this site dates back some 11,000 years.. Predating Stonehenge by a staggering 6000 years!!

AND! I did some 'digging' of my own and found an absolutely awesome website to keep myself in the know about work going on at the site, those interested as well can go to 'The Tepe Telegrams, for more info!
And on another note about history, I picked up a brand new book today called 'The Cygnus Key' by Andrew Collins, who wrote the last book I read on Gobekli Tepe 'Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods'.

In this newest book Mr. Collins dives deeper into the site and it's relation to the stars and unknown, 'prehistoric cultures/civilizations... And when I say, 'Prehistoric', I just mean 'pre'-our history as i firmly subscribe to the theory that pre ice age there were civilizations that were completely erased by global upheavals and the ice age. This place is being coined as the "birth place of civilization" and aside from going back to |Egypt sometime, There's nowhere else on the planet I'd want to go more. I'd kill to see Gobekli Tepe with my bare eyes!

I had spent the last week at my Brother Scott's place, house sitting for the first time there as they had an excursion to the North Eastern states (Maine, Massachusetts). They got a nice place on the Northside. Was nice to 'get away', even if it was still in town. I'm a born and raised Southsider, so I don't know much about the Northside, didn't really spend much time over there as a kid even.

No more excursions for me, until maybe the end of the month, might go spend some time with Gordy and Crystal and get some more sailing in and also at the end of August I'd like to get down to see Terry Daly and Joanne down in Chester Nova Scotia, that little piece of paradise they have down there is almost too good to pass up going to in the Summer.

Well, suppers on, going for an evening walk and then some evening reading! Stay frosty folks!

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