Friday, July 6, 2018

The Coming Storm.... Possibly!

Yes, so this morning around 10:30/11AM we're supposed to have a major thunderstorm sweep through Fredericton and the area.
The  heat wave is done, Kaput! But a cold/cooler air mass is going to collide with the remaining heat and you know what happens then... Thunderstorm!

I'm hoping for a doozy, but, usually when I'm hoping for a good one, it's a let down....
We shall see.

Update: Jeez, just looked at the weather radar and it would appear we're gonna get completely missed by the storms sweeping through the Southern part of the province... That sucks!

Woke up to a surprise this morning.... When I moved into this place in 2012 there were two houses beside our place, but in 2014 I think it was, the city mowed down those two houses.. It's always been an oddity to me as they houses were occupied by two ladies who worked for the city. The properties are owned by the city and just like that *snap*, they were gone. When my neighbors and I inquired as to what the city's plans were with these now vacant spaces, we were told that they would remain 'green space'. Cities are generally obligated to keep a certain amount of green space, so where new buildings or business' are erected, where the city can claw back green space they do.

It's been a bit of a bone of contention for us, because without those houses we're exposed to more wind, because there's not much grass, we've been exposed to a lot of dust and in the Summer a crapload of pollen from weeds and other wild plants. it usually takes a few months of emails and Twitter photos to the city before they come and mow it. Actually is looking pretty good for being just a field of weeds.
The 'Field of Screams'

No plans for the weekend. Just chillin'. What about you's people? Git out there and enjoy the Summer for it fades quickly!

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