Thursday, July 5, 2018

Surfin' The Heat Wave!

Ohhh yeah! I'm betting you Summer 'haters' are loathing this.... Longing for January, February and those -30° temperatures and winds....
Well, the good news for you is that the days are already getting shorter, Summer doesn't last long (as we all know)... Soon, you'll be back to the depressing short days, long cold black nights....

But me? I'm loving this heat! LOVE IT! The hotter the better... Yes, the humidity fucks with my joints, but still, the Sun blazes and I bask in it. Now I ain't no dummy, I love the heat, but also love to escape to my air conditioned apartment. Yes, Yes, my 'R2 unit' is still working... Man, my roomies went in on this Danby unit, fuck like, must have been 2007? '08? Who knows, who cares, it still works!

Today, Thursday, it was dang smokin' hot! They said, I think, Tuesday was the "hottest day", but today felt wayyyy hotter and I was outside less today than I was on Tuesday, the alleged hottest day.

Instead of turning on my stovetop or oven, I went and got a donair from Greco... Funny, 'Donair' isn't a word according to Microsoft's spellcheck.. How about gyro? Oh yeah, that works.. Anyhow, on my way, I could feel the Sun burning my skin on my leg and arm that was most exposed to the Sunlight... Crazy!
BUT, they say, that today's the end of this heatwave. In Quebec it's killed over 35 people.. LOL for once I should have really used in my Post Title... 'Surfin' The Heat Wave Of DEATH! Unlike my other posts with 'Of Death!' in them, this one was actually a killer... Don't know if anyone expired from the heat in NB, they haven't said.
Tomorrow we're supposed to get an afternoon of thundershowers as the cold front moves in, colliding with the hot air mass.

I've been watching, 'Big Legend', the 'Bigfoot' movie by Bobcat Goldthwait.... What?? You don't know who Bobcat is???
His comedic style might not be so funny these days. But he was around in the same era as Pauly Shore (Weeazin' the juice!), Sam Kinison and Andrew Dice Clay.... An odd ball to be sure.

The movie is... 'ok', I wouldn't recommend it. It's pretty budget, the creature, is done alright, but it's filled with all the regular horror movie lame moves that characters make... Being chased, falling... Running in the dark in the woods..... The main character finally meets the Samsquanche that took his fiance and he shoots it... ONCE! He's got a massive handgun and a huge rifle with a clip and he shoots the damn thing.. ONCE! I was yelling at the TV (which always makes the cat laugh at me), 'SHOOT IT AGAIN!!!', 'SHOOT IT!!!'... But he wouldn't listen... Now he's going all Rambo on it...
HOLY SHIT!, Now, in the climax of the film, the main character, rigs up a car horn to blare.... Like it's been going for 2 minutes straight... Bobcat surely knows how to annoy.. Can you imagine sitting in a movie theater, as loud as the volume is for 2 minutes of a car horn constantly blaring??? I'd walk out... I started yelling at the TV again.. Elsa wasn't digging the horn blare at all... She'll probably take it out on me!

They just had a close up of the 'Big foot', they didn't do a bad job.. Some of it's growls and yells sound like something out of a cartoon I can't place... Maybe like from the old Hercules cartoon...\
Forward this to around 2:36, yep, that's the same noise the Samsquanche makes!

Unbelievable we're in July already... August, September and that's it, we'll be back to blizzard-ville... Wonder how insane this Winter will be.... This Summer thus far we've broken heat temp records.. i think over the last two Winter's we've broken records... The flooding broke records... I'm tellin' ya, if they took volunteers to go to outer space... I'd be the first in line!

Stay cool folks! Tomorrow I'm going swimming!

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