Monday, July 9, 2018

This Might Be Worth Something.....


Found among my older Bother's DVD/BlueRay collection, it might just be worth something, someday, in a hundred million years (not billion because our Sun will have burnt us to a crisp by then).

I was watching 'We Are Twisted Fucking Sister' the other night and could kinda feel the same drive that we, the guys in Dreamkick had. Us against the everyone else. Ok, if we REALLY had the drive that Twisted Sister had in their time, Dreamkick might have made it somewhere further than we did.

Really and with the Wasteland Zombies, it's my fault. I left because I couldn't deal with some things and I should have just kept going because we might have been something more than we ended up being. Just a memory... But really more than that a really fucking great memory. Dreamkick was the most fun I've had in a bad and we really worked our asses off to do what we did (Not that we didn't in the Wasteland Zombies). and I left the Wasteland Zombies for different reasons, but I won't go into them because some people are still upset with me.

It was fun to be in Dreamkick, we played some pretty hokey songs, from my point of view, but we 'heavied' the shit out of them and we wrote great originals, which was my caveat to joining the band. But some of the covers we did I LOVED, 'Radar Love', 'Road House Blues' and a bunch of others were a blast and the people loved it. We had line ups for our shows, we had brawls, we had parties, we had drugs, booze and Rock'n'Roll.
I don't want people to get the wrong idea, in the claim that we were the first "Rock" band in the clubs around here, because we were not. But what we DID do, was introduce Heavy Metal to the scene (Holy Order existed long before us, but they were not playing the bar scene), something other musicians said we'd never do. We were told "You'll never play clubs playing Heavy Metal" and we totally shattered that myth.
I find the great thing about this DVD that Peter Gillies put together, completely produced all himself, is that it chronicles the band from sounding like absolute shit in it's basement beginnings (with the first singer to try out, 'Bob' goes to sing and the cord drops out of the mic) to the 'end' when we were pretty much on top of the scene. LOL then to pretty much shit at our reunion.... Don't get me wrong, the reunion was a blast, but I think it reinforced the 'fears' the guys had about my health and how well I could perform.

I think that 2002 reunion that I flew back for is why the guys won't do a reunion today. I've asked, I've suggested but it just bounces back at me. I'D LOVE to do a Dreamkick reunion, I'm asked quite frequently that we do, but the ball isn't in my court. I'm down for it... I think, and who knows, I could be totally wrong here, but I think the guys don't want to do it because of my health. The last reunion, we were subpar. I was trying, but I certainly couldn't perform to the abilities of the early 1990's. My arthritis was really bad, I was doped up on anti anxiety medication... Excuses, excuses, but that may, MAY be why there won't be another reunion.

The DreamKick DVD was done in a limited run... Can't remember how many there were, my copy is currently with Tim Rayne and my Brother's copy is unopened... But if you know someone that has a copy and have never seen Dreamkick you should check it out.
There's a small sample on Youtube:
Give the video a couple seconds, it kicks in with the band chillin and puking at the hotel before the show at Ohh man, brain fart, this great club in Moncton... I think it might have been a benefit, bands played all day, then we tried to destroy the place that night... My apologies to Sherry from Friday Night Rocks.. Man I was an asshole.. Maybe I still am...

To those that were there, to those who somehow remember, because as far as I know, everyone was pretty drunk or messed up on something. To those that ask for the reunions, for the compliments and for sharing the memories. 
Photo by: Bev Thornton

After winning 'Trina's Battle of the Bands 1992' - Photo by: Nancy Brown

AND, in case yer interested, here's a link to the DreamKick Reverbnation page, with most of the songs we recorded at Reel North Studios With Lloyd Hanson:


  1. I have 2
    Seen ya a few times in the past...
    Great times....
    Killer band live.....

  2. Definitely a great time all around, most that I remember lol.
