Monday, July 2, 2018

Saint John Sailing Excursion

[UPDATED 07/24]

Better late than never, but Gord & Crystal have been extremely busy of late, so no fault on them!

These pics are from our fist sail of the year on Gord's sailboat 'CGtime' with Dad, Gord, Crystal, Jacob, Lily and Me.
Gord managed to talk the marina into launching his sailboat on the Friday evening of the long weekend. Otherwise the keel wouldn't have seen the water until July 3rd.

Though we got off to a bit of a late start on the day and the Sun was blistering, we spend the mid morning early afternoon prepping the boat for sailing.

Thing's woulda gone a smidge faster if Gord and Dad didn't have to repeat everything they did... Both were a bit rusty on the game of sailin' prep... But it was hot and we're all old and that's our excuse!

I talked to Dad on our way down and he really misses boating, sailing and his "youth"... Don't we all Daddyo

It was Canada Day weekend and the Saint John Marina was prepping for celebrations, which is a miracle unto it's own as the place had been all but decimated by the flooding.

Sails UP and we're under way!

Dad chillin' as we sail along

Gord & Daddyo. Was great to all be together, wish we had, had Scott and Andrea too and our Sister Lisa and Larry would complete the set (and would make for one helluva crowded boat! But she's gotta git down here :)

Some pudgy kid....

Crystal, Jacob and Lily chillin' below deck

Ferry crossing the Saint John river. This ferry is actually driven by a tug.

The wind picked up for a bit and things started to go a little sideways for a while and I was sailing the boat! This was when Dad complimented me on my steering skills.

Was a  beautiful day out with the fam, thanks so much to Gord & Crystal for having us aboard!

So Dad and I went down to Saint John on Thursday morning. We went to the marina to see if they were going to launch Gordies sailboat, which they were in preparations for doing just that. Gord had told them Dad was coming down from Kingston for only a few days, so they were kind enough at the marina to plop Gord's 'Catalina' (sailboat) into the water Thursday evening.
After the marina Dad and I drove up to the ferry and crossed over to the Kingston peninsula. Dad had grown up there and as kids we'd spent time at our Aunt and Uncles camp at 'Shamper's Bluff' which is next to Crystal beach (where a very gruesome murder was committed in the 1980's)... Gordie and I also had gone to Camp Glenburn, which was the best Summer camp I went to as a kid, maybe more on that someday! Plus we did a lot of sailing around that area with Dad on his first sailboat the Kingfisher called 'Keepsake'.

Now a side story...
Like I said, our Aunt and Uncle owned a camp at Shamper's Bluff, which is just down from Crystal beach where Noel Winter's (or perhaps his family had a camp). In around 1983/'84 Noel Winters killed several people.
Now, I have this 'moment' etched in my mind. I NEED to find out from Dad or someone in the family IF, as I Believe, we had stayed at my Aunt and Uncles camp in the Fall of 1983. I know one time when we were there, at it seems to me it was a Fall reunion of sorts. My Aunt and Uncle's cottage was filled with us all sleeping. I was in a room with my Brothers and I woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee. I quietly went out into the living room of the cottage and I'm happy at this time that they had installed a toilet inside the cottage, because previous to this stay, there was only an outhouse.
Whatever the case may be, I recall hearing blood curdling screaming in the night. It was horribly frightening. The screaming went on and on and on. I tried to wake my Dad, but he did not wake up. I knew from sleeping around my Brother's that waking them would mean a certain beatdown and probably waking up the rest of the cottage... which who knows, looking back now might have been the 'right thing' to do. I know, with every fiber of my soul that night I heard those screams. As far as I recall they were a woman's screams and I do not believe I dreamnt it.
According to the Noel Winter's story, he had killed in the Fall of 1983 a man and a woman at the camp.... I'd really like to solve this mystery, to know if we were there and if it was during the time that Noel killed these people. Winters killed himself in jail before all the bodies of those he killed were found....

Anyhow, so, Dad and I went for a drive on the Peninsula. Dad showed me his hold school houses or where they used to be and we drove up to where their farm was. We also crossed a ferry which is said to be where the 'cable ferry' was invented, which I never knew.
We drove off the peninsula and made our way to Rothesay, outside of Saint John where my Aunt Charlotte (my Dad's sister) and my Uncle Gregor live and have lived for as long as I can remember.

It was great to see them both, we couldn't recall the last time we had all been together, but it was surely sometime pre 1994.

From there we drove to Gordies to drop my stuff off. Gord's been working full out at home for a call center company, so he didn't have time to really chat.
Dad and I then took off to meet up with some friends of his from his youth Linda and Bob, along with another childhood friend of Dad's.
Another new thing I learned about Saint John and this area, was that not only was it the landing place of the 'Loyalists' who escaped from the US, but it's now a UNESCO site.

Best if I let the website do the talking, so, from the stonehammer Geopark NB tourism website:
"With a landscape created by the collision of continents, oceans, volcanoes, earthquakes and ice ages, the Stonehammer UNESCO Global Geoparkincludes geological stories from late Precambrian time a billion years ago to the most recent Ice Age, and almost everything in between. For you, it means a natural playground has been created and there are amazing hands-on ways to experience our geological history in every corner. Because it’s BIG, and you don’t want to miss a thing"

More or less the same, but this is from the Trip adviser website:
"Stonehammer Geopark is located in Southern New Brunswick on the East Coast of Canada. Stonehammer Geopark is a geological park where you can experience a billion years of Earth’s history. The landscape of the Stonehammer Geopark has been created by the collision of continents, the closing and opening of oceans, volcanoes, earthquakes, ice ages and climate change. The rocks of our geopark have been witness to the evolution of life, from the first discovery of Precambrian stromatolite fossils, to the ‘Cambrian Explosion’ of life, to the evolution of vertebrates and the emergence of life on land. The geopark includes geological stories from late Precambrian time a billion years ago to the most recent Ice Age, and almost everything between."

I had NO clue about this, nor do many. It seems that this is something that just came into being (that the area is a UNESCO site)... Gordie didn't know about it, Scott, Andrea and Dad didn't know about it and I had no idea about it. It's very very interesting stuff, sadly there's no documentary on it. On Youtube you'll only find some very short video clips about the topic and they are mostly tourism videos.

So, we went for dinner at this place in SJ, that is part of the Geopark. I had seen a UNESCO sign on the highway as we approached Welsford/Grand Bay.

After dinner Dad dropped me of at Gord and Crystal's and we hung out with the kids and had a great evening.
On Saturday we got up, running a bit late we didn't get to the marina until around 11am or so. We had or I should say, Dad and Gord had to rig the boat, attach the sails, we cleaned up a bit and before long we were out on the water. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. We had just a bit of wind at the start and managed to sail most of the trip, though usually upon returning to the marina we have to start up the motor.
I sailed the boat for a while and even got a compliment from Dad on my steering... Dad oddly enough didn't take the helm at all, perhaps just happy to be out on the water with his two of his three son's and our Sister. It was great to be together. It's not all too often this happens.
We got back to shore around 4/4:30, got some pizza and went to Gord and Crystal's... Unfortunately I began to suffer from stomach troubles from about the last few hours of our sail right unto Sunday night at Scott and Andrea's. I don't think it was too much Sun or motion sickness, sometimes when I travel my guts get messed up.
On Sunday we were supposed to sail again, but Gord was absolutely sunburnt to a crisp, the kids were not feeling all that great, so we scrapped the plan and Dad and I took off back to town here and got home around 1PM. I cleaned up, tried to soothe my stomach (to no avail). Dad picked me up around 4 and we went over to Scott and Andrea's for a BBQ, we stayed until late and my stomach began to feel a bit better.
Dad's headed off today, he's slowly making his way back home. He wanted to "tour around" some places in New Brunswick and PEI that he'd not been to in ages.

All in all it was a great weekend. So here's some pix to start off with. Should have taken more, but hey, trips arn't always about cameras!
Gord's 'Catalina', pre-launch June 29th 2018

View from the 'Gondola Point' ferry - Said to be the very first cable ferry system in existence

Crystal, Gord & family's kitty 'Echo'

'Socks' their other kitty, who liked to watch me pee....

Captain 'El Gordo Flaco' just before we took off sailing!

Stay tuned more pix to come in the following days!


  1. Interesting story about the murder and the screams. Glad you and the Family had a great time

    1. hey wow Sis! I've always been hearing that very few have been able to make a post!
      Yes, had a great time with Daddyo. Always want to spend as much time as we can.

      As for the 'screams' at Shamper's bluff, it's still a mystery, but I know what I heard and I'm 99.999999999999999999999999999% sure it was no dream. It was only years after that I made the connection with Noel Winters... Sadly, Dad's lost all his journals from that time. They would have pinpointed with certainty what dates we stayed at Charlotte & Gregor's cottage.
