Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Rumble!

That was a great storm last night! I didn't expect the lightning and thunder so early. According to the Weather Network and a couple of other resources for radar I use, it didn't seem as though Fredericton was going to get any potential thunderstorms until around 2:30/3:00 and then around 4am. But just after midnight it let loose!

So, I was surprised today when I went for my walk. I had guessed given the torrents of rain last night that there'd be a bit of a rise in the water levels, but the underpass (the old train bridge), which was almost bone dry the other day, well it was filled with water and I think exceeded the level at it's highest point during last week and that was true for most of the areas until I got to Officer Square.

Weather has been hell on the body. Back is bad, toes are swollen, but nicer weather is coming on Monday and for the remainder of the week.

Huzzah! My video uploaded... Sorry about the wind interference, it sucks I know, but I don't think there's any 'wind socks' for cellphones. MovieMaker doesn't have much help in the audio department to cancel it out, so all i could really do was reduce the overall volume of the clips

My awesome neighbors invited me over for burgers tonight. Brad (my neighbor) has a charcoal BBQ, so much better than gas, the taste is soooo good. Love my neighbors, they rule. The other week for Brad's birthday they invited me over for steak (done on the charcoal BBQ too). LOVE BBQ!

When I did my old 'Dvlogs' (most of which have been made 'private' for personal reasons), my roomies and I used to have 'BBQ Sunday', and each Sunday one person would be in charge of buying the steaks for the house and I'd BBQ them. I've never been much for cooking, but BBQing is primal, it works for me. I love the smell of the smoke, I love the smell of the smoke on me and I'm actually pretty good at cooking steaks... Not so good with chicken or burgers, but the guys nominated me the house chef for BBQs. I'd try to get the guys to buy the steaks on Friday and then I'd marinate them from Saturday morning until supper time on Sunday evening. So good!

Been watching old Metallica live vids today on Youtube, so i'll leave you with Metallica live from Seattle in 1989. It's pretty decent footage and audio quality. So crank 'er.

Party hard! It's Saturday night... I'ma go fall on ma face.

BONUS video: (Last night's storm. i had tried to catch some lightning, but each time I rolled with recording, the lightning would stop. So, if anything, maybe play it on a loop to put you to sleep to the soothing sounds of my voice and rain with some rumbles of thunder here and there)

Super Kawaii!!!

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