Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kingdom of The Spiders!

OK, seriously, what's up with all the spiders? Man, there's been a bunch that are all hanging out where the wall meets the ceiling!

What's worse than having spiders? Attempting to kill them and they end up escaping and then you don't know where the fuck they went or what their motives now are!!!

I got some 'spider killer' but I don't wanna use it in the house because of Elsa... I usually just use it for my 'Shack Out Back'... Don't need no big freakin' barn spiders chillin' out while I'm havin' a puff!

Fuck you dolphin!!

X-Ray day! No answers today, but hopefully soon!

And the bottom of the T.V. Screen says, "CBC Canada's 24 Hour News Network", but all I'm seeing is this bullshit about the 'royal wedding'... There's not been ONE 'news story' yet.... Guess I'll check out CTV or Global... Pathetic, what am I paying a cable bill for??

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