Wednesday, May 30, 2018

March of the Cataterpillars

Yes my friends, story time again, much to the season this story be, as caterpillars infest the city!

Now way back when I was a youngin', I don't remember which year, but it'd be the 1980's for certain.

New Brunswick was facing a major assault from the 'tent worm' caterpillars. Now, let's get this straight before anybody starts labeling my Brother's and I as 'potential serial killers' or anything of the ilk.
Back then the tent worm caterpillars were THE enemy. These things were everywhere. All over the trees, houses, streets, old ladies.. and this is NO exaggeration, you can message the Lockhart ladies to back me up or anyone else who remembers this time, there were so many caterpillars that trains had problems slowing down due to the caterpillar guts all over the rail ties! YUCK eh?
You'd be riding your bike and there was no way to stop from squishing the fuckers under your tires, sending their sometimes neon looking guts spraying out their back ends like stepping on a mustard packet...

So, the city declared war! Eradicate the bastards by any means necessary! The word went out that if you needed to make a bonfire in your yard to burn them, then so be it! If a forest fire broke out than at least it would be eradicating the caterpillars.
So, along with our Summer chores of lawn mowing and vacuuming the pool, throwing rocks at old people, we had to defend our yard. We each got clippers of some type and roamed the yard looking for their obvious 'tents'.
\We'd cut them 'houses' down, drag them back to our fire pit and then my Mother's boyfriend would throw on the accelerant and with a toss of a match *WHOOOSH*, they'd burn!
We'd watch them as they tried in vain to escape, the flames licking their long singed bodies back lit by fire... We'd swear they'd make this 'screaming' sound as they burn! AHhh sweet childhood memories of burning pests en masse.

But that was just the supervised violence... My Brother's and I, we had 'lil caterpillar circus'.... I mean, for all their devastation, the little fuckers were kinda cute, with their neat colors and furry bodies, they had these weird 'fly like; eyes... So, we'd keep them as erm, 'pets'... More aptly prisoners, the condemned... So we'd try to train them in our little caterpillar circus, walking the tight rope was a big one, we'd set them at one end and they'd have to cross the line, on the occasion that they'd fall off, well, usually instant death followed.. well, almost instant... Usually by decapitation, sometimes burning, sometimes under the tire of a bike, sometimes drowned in the pool and most hideously evil... C'mon, some other 'kids' from that time will have to back me up on this barbarism... *sigh* we'd toss them with or without some water on our grandparents concrete patio and watch them cook in the blistering hot Summer Sun.... alive....

Maybe I should have put a warning at the beginning of this blog... WARNING! Possibly offensive, grotesque content ahead! There ya go, you were warned.... After...

So, yesterday I was dragging my body out for a walk and noticed down by the river, the concrete trail had some caterpillar corpses on it... More than likely blindly killed by joggers and cyclists (Yeah, blame them!).

So I went back down this evening and sure enough, the trees had some armies for sure....

One tree I looked up, yep, there's a big swatch, then I happened to look a bit higher and there was a huge wiggling masse...

Ugly bastids! And then on another tree....

I've heard in the past they spray for these things and a couple of weeks ago, I saw this dude walking around injecting the trees using this crazy totally chrome weird looking.. erm gun?

And another tree....


Oh and Screw you Johnny James 'Dio'... Sending me video of Behemoth playing right now in Quebec... "I'll get you and your little dog too!"
He's at the SLAYER farethee well tour... Little whippersnapper!

I don't know what made me think of Stone Temple Pilots 'Sour Girl' today.. Oh wait, yeah, it was an article with the new singer and they asked him if there were any STP songs that were "Off limits" for him to sing and he said "Sour Girl" but it's more of a band thing than him and that it's a very personal song that Scott Weiland wrote (about his divorce)..
Never much liked the band. I liked a couple of the songs. 'Sour Girl' being one.


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