Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Johny Depp Can Sing?

OK, there's been much todo about 'The Hollywood Vampires', the "uber band" filled with Heavy Metal & Hard Rock idols and.... Johnny Depp.

Yes, that Johnny Depp.

Now, I've known he's been a 'decent' guitarist for some time, having seen clips of 'Hollywood Vampires' playing live and also Depp's appeared, oddly enough on stage with Mary Manson several times.

Then this video appeared on Blabbermouth today of Depp singing the David Bowie classic 'Heroes'.

I braced myself, and it was actually very very well done. Even way better than Alice Cooper singing Aerosmith's 'Sweet Emotion'.

Check out the vid here:

Not bad for a pirate eh?

The album should be interesting and maybe Depp can work off paying his incredible debts with his share of the bootie reaped from the 'Hollywood Vampires' album sales!

I know we've already passed the 1 year anniversary since Chris Cornell took his own life.

Love this song and the movie. Oddly enough, Duran Duran's 'View To A Kill' is also one of my favorite 'Bond' themes.

Odd Fact!: This James Bond 'Theme" never appeared on the actual soundtrack. The only song written for a Bond film that never did. Cornell was greedy and kept the song as part of his solo album!

BONUS Vid! (Just for you late clickers):

Rain is coming, time to hibernate like the Chipmunks in their underground bunks.
The last rainy day was brutal. Temps diving down to around freezing then up well above 15 in the day. Just flogg me like jebus in a Mel Gibson flick!

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