Sunday, May 13, 2018

Dream Logs |||| & |||||

So, you'll notice I skipped from Log 3 to 4 & 5. Log 3 didn't happen. Not that I didn't dream, but I just fell back asleep and lost that one.

Dream Log III: I almost lost too:

May 12th - Fuck, wrote down... a little upset with myself. I had woke up close to the early hour that I get up to take my anti-inflammatory ( I do this so the medication is in my system when I get up for the day later on). So when I woke up I knew it was close to the time that I usually wake up and started to go back to sleep - Because I figured I'd just be getting up to take my meds in about 15/20 minutes). Then the dream that I just had, really started to form in my head, so in a start, I grabbed my phone and opened the diary to jot down what I could remember. I wrote down a good paragraph and then I don't know what button that I pressed, but I lost everything I had just written down.

The dream was some kind of maze or obstacle course. But it was underwater. I was watching or competing against someone else.
There was like a Plexiglass tank and I and the other person had to flip ourselves upside-down via these handles in this tank to be able to get air.
There was of course a lot more to the beginning of the dream, but I don't remember it.

Dream Log IV:

This was a short one. When I'm waking up, I'm kinda confused as most of us generally are. Then it's a matter of remembering, 'Did I just wake up from a dream?' or 'Had I dreamed a bit earlier, woken up and then went back to sleep again?'

So this one is short, there was as always a lot more to it.

Was just walking with someone to whom I quipped, 'Break dancing on a VHS tape? That's got to be as embarrassing as holy fuck!'  -

Sadly, that's it, all I remember.

Normally I throw in a photo or a music video. I am NOT a big Tragically Hip fan, never have been. In Canada, there's two things that'll get your ass kicked at a party or social gathering;
If you say you hate The Hip or AC/DC..... and I really dislike both.. So fuck it!

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