Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cooler Days

Well yesterday and today were much cooler days than most of the Spring has been. I was completely taken off my guard yesterday. I'm usually pretty on the ball with the weather and I think I'd taken the nicer days for granted. I had seen it was going to be nice out, not the hottest of days we've had, but it was lookin to be a shorts day. So i got up, ate, freshened up and threw some shorts on and headed out the door for an afternoon walk.
Our house is situated so that the driveway is shielded from the evil and satanic North wind, so I had been outside and since the Sun shines down, it was nice and toasty warm. So when I took off on my walk, I got out past the house and it was windy... Kinda cool... By the time i was about a block away, I was thinking, 'Fuck! I am NOT properly dressed for this weather. It was so cold that I did see people with toques, gloves and Winter jackets on! But, I sucked it up, it wasn't -30° so, on I went.

Today wasn't AS cold, it was cool, but nice enough for shorts still. Got up, cleaned up and then decided to finish off cleanin up the back yard.
During the cleaning I had some company from Chippy the chipmunk. he'she is pretty chill, just fills it's cheeks with food as I cleaned up around.
'Chippy' doing erm... His or Her thing.

'Chippy' has been getting more and more bold and used to me being around. When I was a kid, we toured to the Grand Canyon and there the chipmunks were so tame that you could 'pat' your leg, like at a dog, and they'd run right up your pant leg. I dunno, if 'Chippy' and I will work towards that close of a relationship

So yeah, raked, cleaned up the chairs, moved the bird feeder, it seemed to me that a couple of local trouble making squirrels were getting on the bird feeder via a good jump off the fence, so I moved the feeder to where I don't believe they'll be able to jump... Mind you, if they watch 'Chippy' they can just run up the pole cleaned up my 'Shack Out Back' and pretty much all set for Summer.
Are YOU ready for Summer?

My neighbor saw me doing some yard work and had asked if I was sore,,, and I said, "Well I'm always feeling pain, but I felt good enough to get this done and tomorrow is when I'm really going to play for this!" - Hopefully I'm wrong. I just have to try to keep moving. Otherwise I'll end up like the 'Tin Man' from the Wizard of Oz!

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