Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pre- Birthday Weekend Dinner

So last evening I was taken out to dinner at the 'King Street Ale House' (It's on King St.!) by my Brother Scott, my Sister in-law, Andrea and my Cousin from Halifax, Lianne with her husband John..

Had a great mean, I ordered the BBQ Baby Back Ribs & Wings.. Dee-Licious!

Was great to catch up with my cousin. I dunno about most families, but ours, I think, is pretty odd. We don't talk much to relatives, sometimes we don't talk to much with one another. It's not that we don't love our family, it's just the way it is it seems. There's cousins that I have no clue where they are or what they are doing. Aunts and Uncles I haven't seen since I was a teenagers.

When we were young and we still lived at our place off Waterloo Row, 'Elmcroft place', we used to have massive family reunions and get-togethers. Mind you we had a huge property and a huge swimming pool, so maybe that was why. Of course a divorce in a family can lead to many great divides and splits.

I do have some friends who have families where the Mom's side might come from a 'well off' background and the Dad's not to 'well off', so you get kind of an 'us vs them' attitude and there's that kind of division.

Anyhow! Back to supper! It was great to see Lianne and John, I hadn't seen them since their last visit I think 2 years ago we figured. So there was quite a bit to catch up on.

After we ate I got some presents from Scott and Andrea, the bag was ridiculously heavy! What could they have got me!

Some great books! They know I love to read and I love to have great books. So, book 1:
'The Golden Age of Piracy' written by: Benerson Little, who is a former Marine, as well as a pirate aficionado, writing many books on the subject, appearing on many documentaries about them as well.

I don't know if Scott knew that I was 'into' piracy. I have collected some 15 movies on the subject, no, not all of them the 'Pirates of The Caribbean' series, although I do enjoy those movies.
They have given me great books on ancient Egypt and the Knights Templar and really understand my passion for history.
They also clearly understand my passion for space! As the next two books were both on that subject.
Book 2 is: 'The Astronomy Book' - a virtual tome of information on all things in 'outer space', "written in plain English is filled with short, pithy explanations that cut through the jargon". Any books that will cram more information about my favorite place is a great edition to my library.
Book 3, is  'Night Sky Atlas', filled with star maps, coordinates and information for those beginning their journey with a small telescope or binoculars.
So, quite excited, I've already dove into the 'Golden Age of Piracy' book.

The books came at a perfect time. The weather changed quick last night, the temps dove down, rain came down, then today they shot back up to warmer regions, all this was a slap to my system. I stayed in bed most of the day, napping and reading.

Elsa's such a good kitty, as long as she has food she'll leave me alone and sleep with me most of the time I'm in bed. Piggey Sue, my last cat on the other hand. I had to be up, whether she wanted food or not. Piggey had many tricks up her sleeve to wake me up... From scratching my face, to licking my nose and eyes, with that sandpaper like tongue. Piggey would always find a way to get me out of bed.

Looks like not a bad week ahead, some possible rain Wednesday, my aches and pains probably won't stabilize until after Monday, as we have another great dip in temps tonight, with even a 'frost warning' in place (we have had several in the last couple of days).
My birthday looks not too bad. No plans. Usually have a BD get together, but I've been so out of touch with almost everyone I'd feel bad sending out a note to come to dinner.
The birthday dinners I've had previously, I never had them put together with the expectations of cards and presents, but just to be with friends that I like. On the other hand, not having the dinner doesn't mean I don't like my friends anymore haha.

I was going to put together the telescope that I got for Christmas from my Brother Scott and Andrea, but I didn't feel like even rolling out of bed let alone following instructions and put the 'scope together. It'll happen soon enough, the weather is agreeable and the night skies are open (well except on obviously cloudy nights). I am a little worried about Elsa and dust and hair. I've got to save up for a case for the telescope to keep it safe from all of that.

Anyhow, I'ma go fall down somewhere.

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