Friday, May 25, 2018

Birth Day - A Day Of Birthing! (Thank you all for your BD Wishes)

First off, THANK YOU ALL, for your birthday wishes! It's so very much appreciated and I'm so very fortunate to have so many great and close friends! Love you all! 

Yes, yes my friends, on this day in 1972 I was brought forth into the World.

My Mom, was young and the man who had knocked her up, well he took off as soon as he found out she was with child.

According to information I have, my Mom's parents wanted to keep me, but my Mom's sister talked them out of it and I was put up for adoption.

The family that adopted me, Waddell/Cody, though she already had two boys (My Brother's), it was always my adopted Mom's dream to adopt a child... So down to the pound they went and saw me in my cage and fell in love with me and the rest is history!

Had a very pleasant day, on my 46th year on the planet. Got up, shit, showered and shaved, then made my way out for a walk and in the end headed downtown to meet up with my Brother Scott and Sis-InLaw Andrea and headed to their place for a BBQ. Scott BBQ'd us some deelicious steaks, had some cake and watched a great thunderstorm.

Last weekend when my cousin Leanne was up, she dropped off some over-flow of family heirlooms.
Our great grand-father was a prolific writer. Not sure how many novels he wrote, but it's upward of 40/50 I think. So, sadly, as family members have passed away, these books have made their way through the family. I've never actually had any of the collection, but now I do. All the books are first print, some in great condition, some in not so great condition. But I'm proud to add them to my collection of books.

The following people share the same birthday as I - To say their birthday is ON May 25th!:
Mike Meyes, Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Musician Paul Weller, Klaus Meine (The Scorpions singer).

So, Hippy Barthday to them too!

I always used to post this on friends FB pages when it was their birthdays, so, I'll give myself a dose of my own medicine!

Thanks again everyone!! 

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