Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome to 2019!

Happy New Year folks!

Hope you all had a fantastic New Year.

2018 albeit a year without any personal incidents, it was an emotional one and the pain is always still with me.
But my pain is irrelevant. Many of us lost friends this year and family. This city was rocked by the worst shooting it had ever seen and through myself and my Brother's, I was connected to each of the victim's in some way.
I can't imagine what their lives are like. Especially with the scumbag who did it is in jail, warm, being fed.
The trial is yet to come... These families are forever changed and so are all the rest of their lives.

We'll hope that 2019 has no more and for that matter any forthcoming year will have no more incidents like that.

My heart still goes out to all the friends and families.

I did nothing last night, just watched movies, talked to friends and stayed up to see if the New Horizon spacecraft made it to it's next goal, Ultima Thule. WHICH it did... It, by NASA standards was a pretty lame moment. No pictures were coming in, no real data about the object, all it was going to be at 1:30AM or so was a "signal acquisition", meaning that the craft had orientated itself properly to send signal back to Earth and that it was received.

As New Horizon, whose primary mission had been to study Pluto and it's moons, sped by Ultima Thule, a space rock in the Kuiper belt, it took over 900 photos.
The REAL crazy thing is, Ultima Thule, this rock left over from the origins of our Solar System, they don't really know what it looks like. In the grand scheme of things, unlike MASSIVE planets this rock is only miles across and long, so being able to see it, where it's at in our Solar System so far from our Sun, it's very dark and it's not like New Horions brought along it's Jeep fog lamps (Although, had they known they would have been extending the mission and to be able to get this rare opportunity to whiz by a Kuiper Belt Object or KBOs for short, they might have better equipped New Horizons to really take a look at this ancient celestial object.

Data is coming down, but it will take some 20 months before we get the full 'picture' of Ultima Thule.

On Sunday, December 30th, Nancy Brown and I had organized a get together of our friends. We understand a lot of you couldn't make it, all good. We just wanted to get together, not a Christmassy thing, just friends, catching up, sharing laughs, hanging out.
Photo courtesy of Nancy Brown

I hope, 2019 will be a great year for everyone. I don't want to bring anyone down with the state of things around the World. But even though the World may, may be falling down around the globe, we can try to make our own little world a better place.
Be kind to each other, be thoughtful of each other, help one another. Don't drown yourself out with all this politically correct nonsense and just be yourself and if that's not good for people, well they can go find someone else to complain about and let them know so.

Just try to have a great year, live, love and laugh.

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