Monday, January 28, 2019

'The Book Of Man Ascension' & Some Personal Music News

I've been asked to do 'guest' vocals on two different band's forthcoming albums. I can't say who they are, well not that I 'can't'... but I won't.... We will leave it as a surprise.

To be honest. I think the Wasteland Zombies are done. I/we haven't announced it officially, but the band has not done anything since we played the 'Rock For Donnie' fundraiser.

I had thought, during the years hiatus we were on that it would be cool to do some 'guest' vocals, collaborations with other local artists. As everyone should know by now, my musical tastes are vast and varied and I'd be down to record with anyone... Except for Country, Reggae or Ska...

Although my body is pretty much unfit for live performances, there's no real reason why I can't lend my voice to any project. So, in the last couple of weeks, I've heard back about two projects that were mentioned to me some time ago and honestly, I thought they'd all been recorded and moved on without me, so to hear that the parts are still open and near ready for me to do my thing is really, exciting.

My good friend Brian O has released a video which captures, in part, the essence of what his forthcoming book is all about.

'Book of Man Ascension:

Exhibit 7 - The Book of Man ASCENSION from Brian O on Vimeo.

And be sure to head to Brian's blog and pre-order your copy of 'The Book of Man' today!!

It's cold as FUCK again... Tomorrow's high is not a 'high'....Wednesday looks nice... So i'm hibernating...

I have noticed in the mornings, the sound of song birds...I'm not sure if they've been about and I just didn't notice it, but I took it as a sign that Spring is close..... Not close enough...

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome man, get to do some vocals. Can't wait to hear it. Be sure to at least get some mp3 out of them :-)
