Thursday, January 10, 2019

Snow, Earthquake and Album of 2019

Man, Yesterday, was supposed to be the 'snowstorm' day. Weather for today as far as I saw even to this morning was that the snow would stop "early this morning" and it was gonna be -4 with windchill down to -9... So, I dressed accordingly, which is like gearing up for a space walk.... It was snowing as I headed out and it has not stopped, the winds have picked up... It's almost as if yesterday's forecast happened today.... We got some disgustingly cold days coming this weekend. Highs of -11, so if there's winds you can bet it'll be down to -20 something... 50 days until Spring... It is getting lighter out, which is very nice to see, but we still have, well the rest of this month and February into late March until we might see some 'nicer' temperatures.... No trips South this year....

Woke up this morning to a message from Nancy about an earthquake that struck this morning just around the Saint John area. Crystal felt it, but my Brother Gordy didn't....

One of the things that thoroughly pisses me off about the internet is that people will read something outrageous and then not vet the story and take it as gospel.

A woman in the comments section of the CBC news website had this to say about "Earthquakes" in Atlantic Canada: "Fracking must be a cause as Atlantic Canada is not along a major plate boundary," LMAO I near spit out my drink... I posted that, that was the most ill-informed uneducated post I've seen in a decade or more... LOL...

She got that info from somewhere... and these are the kinds of things that are totally fucking up the World.. The whole flat earth "theory"... Which is absolute 100% bullshit... "We didn't land on the Moon".... "No satellites have ever left the planet, nor has any huemahn" and on and on... It disgusts me that people are so fucking lazy, when they read some absolutely asinine comment like these, they believe it and won't vet the story.... THAT's 'Fake News' And I believe it's very wrong to put this information out there.

So, the earthquake was a 3.7 quake at a dept of 10kim. Very shallow, so this is probably why some dishes rattled and rattled some nerves.. But according to our Natural Resources website, Atlantic Canada is not in a very unstable geologic area. At the MOST a quake might be a magnitude 5, which even at a shallow depth, MIGHT cause a bit of damage, but there's nothing crazy about the East coast here... This is what Natural Resources has to say about our region:

:"The continual shifting of large segments of the earth's crust, called tectonic plates, causes more than 97% of the world's earthquakes. Eastern Canada is located in a stable continental region within the North American Plate and, as a consequence, has a relatively low rate of earthquake activity. Nevertheless, large and damaging earthquakes have occurred here in the past and will inevitably occur in the future.

Rate of Activity
Each year, approximately 450 earthquakes occur in eastern Canada. Of this number, perhaps four will exceed magnitude 4, thirty will exceed magnitude 3, and about twenty-five events will be reported felt. A decade will, on average, include three events greater than magnitude 5. A magnitude 3 event is sufficiently strong to be felt in the immediate area, and a magnitude 5 event is generally the threshold of damage. The seismograph network of Earthquakes Canada can detect all events exceeding magnitude 3 in eastern Canada and all events magnitude 2.5 or greater in densely populated areas.":

So sleep well, we won't be slipping into the ocean any time soon.. Although... hehehehe (evil laugh)... On the Canary islands, there's a huge mountain/volcano and IF, part of that mountain slid away (which it is said is going to happen, someday), the tsunami generated from that slide would inundate our coastline... That's about the only thing... Or perhaps if something in Greenland or Iceland happened, but, Atlantic Canada is pretty boring for natural disasters....

I don't know what album could possibly come out in 2019 that is gonna beat John Garcia's album. I found a copy online and grabbed it (WHAT?? I fucking paid for the album and then some! I got the bundle, so I've at least paid for a fucking digital copy!)
And I've been listening to now only this new release but also John's self titled release from 2014.
I think I'd been so immersed in local Metal that I was just out of the loop a bit concerning other Metal... But it's not like John Garcia has been on my radar. After KYUSS broke up, you never heard much of anything about the guys in the band. Josh Homme and Nick Oliveri had gone and made Queens of the Stone Age,Brant Bjork, the drummer was doing some stuff but I didn't hear anything about John Garcia until the dud the KYUSS' reunions (minus Homme) in 2010 as 'Kyuss lives'... John's first solo album is fucking epic as well!
Check out this track from the self titled album released in 2014

Favorite track off of 'John Garcia & The Band Of Gold' has to be:

Stay warm peeps... and if you're warm and in the Sun.... Fuck you!

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