Saturday, January 12, 2019

A Big Change!

So, for Christmas, Scott and Andrea got me the Astronomy course at UNB this Spring AND a new bookshelf, which I really needed! I had run out of space for books a while ago and I got of course all my 'knick-knacks'.
So just after noon, Scott popped by and dropped off the bookshelf. I was an easy assembly (Larry, YOU don't say a word!!- Lisa, not your 'Larry')
And here's a photo of just after I had erected it (Hehehe hehehe uhhh huh huh huh I said 'erect')....
So what I had hoped for is that my vinyl would fit on the shelf and it did! I had really no place to put my vinyl, downstairs is too humid or cold and up here, well Elsa managed to get at them, because of how I had to store them and let's just say that she used her claws on the top corners of the album jackets.. This is nothing new for Elsa, she's been plotting, scheming and pulling off missions to destroy my collectibles and valuables for years.
NOT anymore!
The end result! All my music, well almost all, I do have a CD stand in the other corner of the room. but MOST of my music is all in one spot now. |Easily accessible to my stereo and turntable.
And still has room for more! At some point I may have to shuffle some stuff around, but this present totally did what I needed! So thanks again to Scott and Andrea for this present...
I got room for either my vinyl collection to expand (some 45 records) or my book collection.

Gord and Crystal got me the 'drone' that's caused a lot of laughter on the internet. In the Friday chat I usually attend last night, the guy who hosts it was laughing his ass off and he'd already watched it when I had uploaded it last week lol... So he posted it for all the group to see and laugh at... I'm gonna get some fishing line and take it outside.. I wanna see  how high that fucker will go and I want to take pix of it in the night sky, then submit it to the UFO nerds lol.. They'll shit kittens over that!
Gord and Crystal also got me this decanter, "I don't drink ... wine"....C'mon people! Dracula quote there!
But I put other liquid in it....
Kinda hard to see in the photo, but it's a zombie head you fill with your fav bevy. It's got a cork top to it. Super cool!
So, lol now almost a good couple weeks past Christmas I've finally settled back in and got my shit together... Actually gave two Christmas presents last night lol.. It's done!

So we're in the midst of a lovely 'Polar Vortex'... Super sub zero temps for days to come... Fuckin hate this shit... lol What? 49 days until Spring???
Goddamn it....

Have a great weekend folks!

OH! Super special Birthday shoutout to my Sister Lisa! Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you had a special day and that Larry (Larry, not you in California 'Larry') is treating you like a queen today! If not he should be!! Tell him he better or your baby Brother's gonna kick his butt!!


  1. Easy assembly for you,lol.............56 years young Baby Brother. I needed a good laugh and got with yet another of your blogs. I was secretly hoping that drone would attack you but that’s just meπŸ€”πŸ˜œπŸ˜Ž

    1. 56?? What?? No no, you're 36! You're my baby Sister! Glad ya had a good laugh! Got like 3 'Larrys' in my life! Worse than 'Chris''!

  2. Glad it was easy to put together. Might want to keep the heavy stuff as low as possible to prevent tipping over.

    1. It's actually got an 'anti-tip' strap at the top that you attach to the wall. The box toward the bottom is all my CDs, so I've tried to keep the weight 'low'. Thanks again!

  3. The headline would read” former Alien survives drone attack”. LOL

  4. It looks good Chris, not to shabby if I say so myself. I had no idea you could follow directions LOL. :-)
    PS LOVE the zombie head. MMMM zombie juice.
