Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wish Order Unbagging Par Deux - The 'Tallica Hoodie & Icelandia!|

Videos speak louder than text.. Especially if the volumes turned up!

AND, last night we had a 'storm'.. Guessing again that other parts of the Province got it way worse than us, but our power went off and on here 3 times last night. Only for an hour or two each time.

Today the temperature shot up to +7C.... And I feel like a punching bag filled with shit, but I ventured out to pick up some stuff I couldn't carry yesterday.

Stay tuned more shit coming

If some of ya's are wondering.."Whoa, shit, how's Chris buying all this stuff?" Well I had a bit of a money situation change... For the better... I haven't bought any real new clothes in years.. So, it's a bit of a catch up and for once in a long long time. I'm less stressed about my financial situation.. So, I'm kinda celebrating.

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