Friday, January 18, 2019

Thar Be A Nor'Easter A Comin!

Check out this puppy!

Forecast of course has been changing all the time. Earlier it said something about a possibility of a minimum 20cm up to 60CM of snow...That's um.. 23inches! And a lot of rain, freezing rain.. They just keep on saying "very" windy.
Here's the latest from Environment Canada for the Fredericton area:

3:46 PM AST Friday 18 January 2019
Winter storm watch in effect for:

Fredericton and Southern York County
An intense low pressure system will approach from the southwest Sunday night and will pass over or near the Bay of Fundy overnight Sunday and into early Monday. Snow will develop well ahead of the system and change through freezing rain and ice pellets to rain Sunday night across southern portions of the province, where there is also a threat for an extended period of freezing rain. Also, heavy rainfall is possible near the Fundy Coast Sunday night which could lead to localized flooding. Rainfall warnings for those areas may be required at a later time. Total snowfall amounts will range from 20 cm in the far south of the province to as much as 50 cm across northeastern regions. Additionally, strengthening easterly winds will give blowing snow Sunday afternoon and persisting through the night across central and northeastern areas."

So they've taken back the max snowfall amount and removed the rainfall totals completely. Sounds like more of a freezing rain event than anything. Also the "very high winds" has been changed to "strengthening" winds.

I went out today and got everything I was short on and would need... Except Pepsi... Ran out of carrying room.. So I MAY venture out into the OHHhhhh.. Lookit that, that's a nice surprise...

See tomorrow, Saturday the 18th is supposed to have a high of -23 with the winchill... -15 without... And Sunday was supposed to be ungodly cold until the storm hit as well, but now it's showing on Sunday a high of -4... So that's good. I can get out before things go sideways (allegedly) and get any last things I might need.
I'm prepared!

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