Monday, January 7, 2019

'Big Blue' On The Move & Buddy The Chipmunk

I've written before about the 'sea serpent' head in my living room.. It was an X-Files prop from the Season 3 episode called 'Quagmire' - Which is a totally suiting name for that episode... What's the definition of 'Quagmire'?

Definitions from the internet say this about the word;
a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.
"torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire"
synonyms: swamp, morass, bog, marsh, muskeg, mire, slough; archaicquag
"the field became a quagmire"
an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.
'Big Green' aka 'Big Blue' from the X-Files Episode 'Quagmire'

Both suit that episode well. It was a fucking nightmare... I had nightmares two nights in a row after that shoot. On location for like 14/15hrs in the pouring rain... Directors, producers yelling in Mike and I's face... All over a prop gone horribly wrong... But not Mike and I's fault.. We were just there to be yelled at....
So when Toby was moving FX shops, he was tossing shitloads of old props and moulds ... I saw old 'Big Blue' as it's named in the episode heading for the bin and I snatched her.. him, .. it... And took it home where it's always been in my living rooms since... But I need to make room for a new book case unit that Scott and Andrea got me for Christmas, so 'Big Blue'... Who is actually green... Has been relegated to the basement.
Scott and Andrea also got me... An Astronomy course at UNB! Starting this Spring! We all know my love for all things in space and this course will give me a better understanding of operating my telescope and the 'heavens' above! Very excited for that!

Last night I had a dream, it was still Winter, but |I was out back in my yard and saw this darting brown flash and I thought, 'Is that Buddy? He shouldn't be out now, it's still Winter' But in the dream there wasn't as much snow as there and there was Buddy, he ran right up to me and sat in my hand... I didn't have any food for him, but he was just happy to see me... Hope the little fucker is doin alright.. 53 days left until Spring.... So, sometime after that I guess I'll find out how Buddy made out... If he's not dead.... If he is, well I'm sure another family of chipmunks will be around and they will take his place. But of course I am hoping he's alive and well...

Back home after house sitting Scott and Andrea's since Boxing day... I had spent Xmas with Gord, Crystal et all in SJ and on Boxing day had come back up to Fredericton, dumped my gear off here, packed what I needed for Scott and Andrea's and was off to their place.
Had a great stay there, Aura, their pup did alright with me, by the end we were besties, but at first of course she's a lil stand-offish of me. She's a rescue and must have been so tormented to end up this way, but, she has come a long way with everyone. She just needs to know that there are good people in her World. She's a great pup.

So, what's next? Got a couple meetings this week. I think Scott and Andrea will be dropping off the book case... Oh FUCK, that reminds me... So I get in here around 10ish last night... Elsa of course is happy to see me. As I'm unpacking she's zipping around the apartment and then... Not while I was away for near two weeks, but as I'm trying to sort myself and my stuff out... She knocks over ALL my CDs and vinyl..... Like WHAT THE FUCK cat!??? I know she didn't mean it, but still, why then ? lol...

New Years Resolutions!
- I resolve to have NO resolutions!

I'm pretty happy! All is well in my World for now.... Except.. the fucking Methotrexate, which I stopped for the holiday season... So, prepare for vomit!.. Or I should at least... We'll see, maybe my stomach will bear the shit better this time... I'm actually kinda hoping the methotrexate 'works' as I REALLY do not want to go on the 'biological' treatments... I know all these chemicals can 'help' me.. But at what cost?? If I'm barfing all the time, if I'm having to live in a bubble so that I don't get an infection (which can kill me, according to all the paperwork for ANY of these inflammatory medications)....
Anyhow, I'm hoping for a great 2019 and I hope that it all goes well for you my faithful friends and readers!

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