Saturday, December 29, 2018

Coming Clean About My Addiction....

Yes, it's true.... I'm sad to say, that even I, although appearing as strong as a rock, can fall.... Yes, us superheroes can be weak... and it's happened to me... I never thought it would.. I always tried to stay away from these things... I've seen how addiction can ruin lives....

I really should know better.... BUT, the start to recovery begins with admitting you have an addiction and I do.. And... I'm going to throw the blame squarely onto Gord & Crystal!

These things are sooo fuckin addictive!! sto...p... eating.... Sour Patch kids

Someone call Dr. Drew!!

Walk On:

Fredericton becomes a skating rink tonight! Ice everywhere, a really super mild day... Yep, be careful on the roads peeps!
When I first heard 'Walk On' in 1994, I thought I had fallen into a time machine and gone back to 1978.... But no, this album came out in '94. Mind you the band had major legal battles with labels and who knows we else... So sounding a bit dated, but Boston, well you just cannot deny them the kudos on the song writing and power vocals... Should be an inspiration for any singer

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