Tuesday, January 22, 2019

WTF Happened This Morning???

Each morning at about 4:45a.m. I get up to take my anti inflammatory and my muscle relaxant with the intention of those medications being in my system for when I get up for the day. I think that makes sense.
I've been doing this regime for years,  there's maybe been a few times that I've fallen back to sleep but planning for that too,I have a back-up alarm,  just in case.

I don't know what the fuck happened this morning, I remember waking up, crawling over to shut off my alarm clock (Always put your alarm out of arms reach, then you HAVE to somewhat get up to shut it off!) and then getting up, going to the kitchen and taking my medications.
Then usually I'll go out for a puff and then come back in and read or check out the World news for a bit.   
This morning, after all that, I sat on my bed, checking some news sites, I glanced at the time on my phone and it said, 4:04a.m. ..... 4:04a.m.???? wtf? I turned and looked at my alarm clock and it also said 4:04a.m. That weird bit of panic and confusion welled up in my gut as I wondered, 'Was there a time change? No of course not,  power outage? No that couldn't be it either as my clocks would be reset when they came back on.'
Why the heck did I wake up an hour early and shut off my alarms when they hadn't even gone off yet?
Was freakin weird man! Still kinda confused about it. Maybe an abduction by aliens!
Speaking of 'aliens', I've stumbled across some hilarious videos debunking everything from 'Flat Earth' theory to 'Sly Demons'... Weirdos who think airplanes and helicopters are flying demons...

These videos are not for the easily offended.. So, if you're of a delicate nature.. PLEASE don't bother clicking on these... I don't make 'em, I just laugh at those who think the World is flat, that there's a 'hole' in the North and South poles that leads to some inner world of giants and faeries...

Ya'll can start with that one. The guy does a great series on 'Flat Earthers' called Flattards' Be sure to check 'em all out!

My stupid ID hasn't shown up yet, nor has any of my Wish.com orders.. Albeit, the Wish.com orders still have some weeks left on their forecast delivery date around the first week of February, I know I shouldn't go by Wish.coms 'tracking', but they all say, except one of my items, that they are in the country and left customs in British Columbia January 11th..... So that'd make one think they'd be here anytime... But who knows.

WARM! MILD temps tomorrow! W00t! I haven't left the house since like Friday!!!

My back hurts...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you'll wake up when they drop you off, freaking aliens.
