Monday, January 14, 2019

WAYYYY Too Good To be True

So, I don't have any photo ID. I had been using my passport, but, being the pessimist I am, it expired in December. 
In November or so I had gone to Service NB (the HQ where you can apply for all kinds of things, get your drivers lisence, pay fines, get NB ID's etc)
They'd given me this sheet of paper stating what documents one could use in order to secure a photo ID. It has a List 1: and a List 2:... Since my passport ran out, I had to refer to List 2: which stated that a couple utility bills or bank statements would do.

It's F'n cold out, but out of the days ahead, Wednesday is the only 'good' one. Today wasn't too bad, but it required dawning the space cold suit in order to survive the extreme temperatures outside.

I head downtown and head to Service NB. I even got cash out, because god knows, |I'd get in there and they'd be like, "Oh, sorry we don't do debit" -Which I'm sure they do, but ya never know....

Service NB is usually PACKED,. like a HUGE line, just to get to reception. I walk in and it's dead empty... And right then and there I knew that something would go wrong. There's NO way it was gonna be that easy... No lineups whatsoever for any of the cues....

I get to the counter and say, 'NB ID for me please' and he looks at my documents and asks if I've ever had one before. I tell him yes, I did, but I moved to BC in 1994 and had since lost that ID. So he look at my documentation and says, "Oh, well you don't have your birth certificate here"... And I say, 'Well the documentation you people provided says that I just need these two utility bills' and he replies, "That's only for an address change, for a new whole ID, you need a birth certificate too".... So that was it... Game over....
I wasn't gonna walk back home and then walk back there. So I'll go Wednesday and I'll bet you my left fucking testicle, the line up will be hours long and it'll be a whole day adventure...

Fuck I hate gov shit... It's never enough.

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